(17) Surprise!

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Valentina's POV:

I said goodbye to Ryan, Stacy and Mr Perry. They kept thanking me for coming all the way to Texas, but obviously I came. I care about my friends, they're like a second family to me. I even went to Mrs Perry's grave before I boarded the plane.

I was in the flight now with my guards. Dad apparently sent more for my protection god knows why.

I was listening to music and sketching the view I see outside the window. I even ate some fries and coke the airhostess bought me.

The guards tell me to put my seat belt as we'll be landing soon. After sometime we land and I come out and take a deep breath.

New York is New York.

I get out of the airport with my guards with me. I see Ales standing there next to our car. Dad told me yesterday Ales will pick me up.

I saw him and gave a toothy smile. He saw me and grinned. I ran upto him and he opened his arms and I jumped and hugged him.

"I missed you big brother", I say

"Me too sorella", he sighed

I get down and we get in the car. Our guards get in the car behind us. We left for the house. Ales called Dad and let him know we are on the way.

"Why is Dad suddenly so worried about my safety and stuff? I mean he sent more guards and now you called him to inform him we're on the way", I asked Ales

He became stiff only for a second.

"Nothing bambina he's like that with all of us", he said

I nodded not really believing it though.

We talk about random stuff then.

"How was your stay in Texas?", he asked

I smiled. "Amazing I loved seeing them after really long", I say

"How's your friend?", he asked

"She's fine now, she wouldn't eat or talk before I came. Everyone was worried about her but she relaxed when she saw me and I somehow convinced her not to stop eating and be there for her father. We had some fun, watched movies", I smile

Ales nodded giving me a sad smile.

We soon reach the house. The guards look at me and smile. I smile at them too. I know some of them by their names. Sometimes when I used to be bored I would come and annoy them.


Ales parked and we both get out of the car. I took my small bag I brought with me to Texas and head inside.

As soon as I stepped in I was engulfed in a big hug.

"I missed my little bundle of joy", Enzo squeals

Oh how much I missed his squeals even for a day..

"Aww I missed you too Enzo, especially your famous pancakes!", I say grinning

"I've made them for you bambina, you can eat all you want", he smiled

"Okay now get out of the way", Elijah came pushing Enzo out.

He hugged me tight. I kissed him on the cheek.

I saw Dad standing behind Elijah. I smiled at him and he too smiled at me.

I hug him tight. He kissed my head.
"Welcome back", he said.

There is no better warmth than in your dad's hug.

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