(2) Secrets revealed

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[Valentina's POV]

Time really is relative.

After Jack shot my mother using his gun and fled after sending me a murderous look I barely managed to find my phone and call 911. Maybe it was the shock that took over me because since then I'm feeling numb.

It's hard to say what happened next. The paramedics came over and helped my mom. And now we're here at the hospital with me sitting in the waiting room unable to speak or move.

The doctors are operating on my mother as I waited. A few nurses tried to get me to converse with them, but I don't think I even heard them speak to me. They gave up after a while sending me sympathetic looks.

I didn't mean to be rude or anything, but it's hard to explain what I was feeling. I remember seeing blood everywhere. Even my hands as I tried to stop my mother from bleeding out, on our living room floor.

That red pool of crimson blood...

A hand on my shoulder made me flinch hard in panic. I look up and see a police officer carrying a gentle look on his face.

He introduced himself and asked me about tonight's events. Surprisingly enough I was able to speak to him and he was patiently paying attention even at those moments when I would randomly stop talking being transported at that horrific scene.

I told him everything I knew about Jack, even sent him a picture of his and he promised me they'll find him. I merely nodded as he stood up and walked out of the room.

I'm not sure how long I was sitting there, but soon enough I see a doctor heading towards me. The sadness in his face didn't make me feel better at all, infact my heart dropped to my stomach when I started assuming the worst.

"Your mother's condition is critical. The bullet unfortunately pierced her right lung and damaged it. An artery that's connected to her left lung was nicked as well causing a lot of problems for her", The doctor explained to me. "It's a wait and watch now."

Suddenly I felt like all my energy was drained out of my body at once. Tears masked my vision as I step back and dropped down on the chair I was seated on earlier. It seemed like the air around here was getting thin too.

When I was allowed to see her I couldn't even hold back the tears. Even with that blurry vision I didn't miss all those wires attached to her as if they were a part of my mom.

"Honey, come here", Mom whispered weakly, a small smile on her pale face.

I couldn't meet her eyes as I sit beside her on the bed. Her hand reached up to caress my cheek and I couldn't hold back. A loud desperate cry choked out of me as I threw my arms around her and hide my face on her shoulder.

I hear her sigh and then caress my hair. She let me cry my heart out until I managed to stop myself. Pulling back I roughly wiped my tear stained cheeks and rubbed my puffy eyes.

"The doctors say that...", I couldn't finish the sentence without my throat closing up.

"I know", Mom became sad. "And I'm so sorry about that honey.  I really am."

"I-I can't lose you mom. I just can't. You're all I have. H-How do I live without you?", I cried, my right palm pressed against my forehead.

Mom didn't reply, but I saw her eyebrows get scrunched in worry. Suddenly her whole demeanor changed and a look of determination crossed her face.

"Valentina you have to listen to me. I need to tell you something very important!", She insisted strongly.

The change in her tone confused me. "Mom?"

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