(1) Monday is a bitch

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[Valentina's POV]

Mornings are subjectively the worst, especially on school days. They are supposed to be the indication to a fresh start of a new day but I never feel fresh and there's nothing new in my life.

What is the purpose of mornings anyway?

And don't even get me started on Monday mornings. They're a bitch beyond tolerance. Like seriously the day after the weekend especially needs to be allowed a few extra hours of sleep in comparison to other normal weekdays. Mondays are annoyingly special.

Alarms are the most torturous and unnecessary inventions by mankind which hardly give a 'fresh' start to a 'new' day. Is it just me or every fellow teenager supports my observation?

"Wake up already Valentina!"

"Getting ready! Calm down!"

My mother's a sweetheart.. most times, which don't include mornings and I probably inherited my hatred for this day from her because she struggles just like me.

Like mother like daughter.

I brush, take a shower wear and get dressed into some casual clothes. My old favourite pair of shoes are already a rip away from it's inevitably excruciating death and I always feel like it's their last day everyday, yet they don't give up. Grateful for one thing every morning I guess.

Putting my bag over my shoulder I jog downstairs to find my beautiful mother preparing breakfast for the both of us. She's a hustler. And that I didn't inherit... fortunately.

"Good morning mom", I smiled.

"Good morning honey", She greets me in a tired voice..I feel you mum.

"Eat quickly without choking and get going or else you'll be late for school", She said sternly walking back to the kitchen.

All mother's morning conversation!


But she was right without a doubt. I truly didn't have much time so I quickly swallowed down the whole bowl of cereal within a minute like a pro and got ready with my bag.

"I'm leaving!"

Mom comes out of the kitchen cleaning her hands with the towel and I brace myself for her usual lecture.

"Honey I'll be working late today, but will be home by nine okay? So you better come home straight from school and- ", I cut her off continuing myself.

"Lock the door, hang the keys and give you a call so that you know I've reached home safely. Eat some food and do my homework before watching tv and if I need anything call you or Mrs Jones from next door right?", I finished in a monotone voice giving her a smug look.

She chuckled softly. "Good girl."

I head out calling out. "Bye mom, take care and have a nice day!"

"You too honey and be good in school."

I heard that before I left and thought 'of course mom. of course' what else would I be if not an obedient student?

The walk to school is hardly 15 minutes so I plugged in my earphones and played some music for company.

The school was busier than ever and I had to pay attention in not having to run into someone. I was in looking around spotted two absolutely familiar people talking to each other just outside the building. Without thinking I ran towards them and jumped one's back.

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