Internships/a new member

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Jirou walked right through portal with Izuku....she saw her surroundings and sees that they are in a bar of some sort 
Izuku: "welcome to the league" he said soon the same crusty man she saw from USJ came out 
Shigaraki: "so....this is the girl" but what he didn't expect was smack across his face 
Izuku snickered a little knowing why she did that
Jirou: "that's for taking my fucking arm" 
Shigaraki: "yeah i know....well...anyway this is the league of Villains...i'm the leader of this group Shigaraki...but you will need to go through Izuku here if you want to have some cyberware since it's the backbone of this group...Izuku can you explain what the requirements are please?" and he went to play game 
Izuku: "of course...well then..follow me to my lab" they started walking now Jirou was completely honest she saw how accepting he was despite being quirkless and crippled...but has he ever heard of lotion?! 
Izuku: "so there are two other members here that have gone through the same treatment and i will tell you a quick here at the league there are three things that you must is to treat Tomura or Shigaraki as out leader...if he has a plan coming up then we must know what type of course we can help alter it in some way to make sure it goes as listed...number two you need to treat everyone with respect...i know you lost your arm and quirk but the people here also suffered in simular conditions or from other reasons...we are here work together and not show off who had the most painful past...and number three...everyone here has a cyberware installed called the optic optimizer which allows you to scan and see around you what is going on...but of course there is the price for it" 
Jirou: " mean i need to pay to get in?" 
Izuku: "no....the the optimizer requires you to give up an eye" which made her freeze...but then again she has nothing to why not
Jirou: "alright then" which surprised Izuku
Izuku: "really?...just like that" 
Jirou: "when you have lost everything would you?" and he nods 
Izuku: "alright then...oh and about your arm....what would you want?" 
Jirou: "well what do you have?" 
Izuku: "i have some cyberware that can be used....but you can only choose one though...i know seeing how i have all these modules in my body can make it seem unfair...but it's because my body isn't the same as it used to be...for you i have to make sure it doesn't overstress the nerves" 
Jirou: "Monowires" ah as expected she wants to one that closely represents her quirk 
Izuku: " lay on the exam chair for me" she lays down and then Izuku puts a gas mask over her 
Izuku: "this is going to take a while so i'm going to knock you out while i do this alright?" and she nods soon Izuku connects to the mechanical arm again and he got to work

Izumi: "oh god" was the first thing she could think off...she won the sports festival...she should be happy or glad about this...but it wasn't easy...Bakugo came second...and everyone started to heckle him throwing food and shouting things like he shouldn't be a hero...and she honestly couldn't blame them...he destroyed Jirous jacks...which caused her to become quirkless...she was sad...but at the same time...kind of asked for it she should've known provoking Bakugo wasn't the brightest of now they sit in the classroomand wait for their teacher to show up..
Bakugo was slouching on the one was talking to him. not even his sister due to what happened and he didn't care he was sour about it...but then 
Mina: "Bakugo where's Jirou?" she asked her 
Bakugo: "why the fuck are you asking me Raccoon eyes" 
Mina: "i just haven't seen her come back to class yet" soon Aizawa came in and everyone rushes back their seats 
Aizawa: "as you may know...about the recent events regarding Jirou...she's lost her quirk" and those who didn't know where in shock 
Aizawa: "and of course the rule of the quirkless being banned from the school.....she's been expelled from U.A" and of course the logical reaction was to be shocked or surprised...except for four certain students 
lida: "how could this happened? just because she lost her quirk? no this isn't right Sensei please forgive my out of line behavior but Jirou has much a right to attend this school as we do" 
Ochako: "Jirou" 
Momo was quiet
Kaminari didn't want to speak 
Izumi: "damn it Bakugo.." muttering out now while staring at him being carefree about the whole thing 
Shoka: "damn it" another persons dreams they took away
Katsumi: "she had it coming" 
Kirishima: "bro how could you say something like that?!" 
Katsumi: "she knew the risk of taunting my was her own doing that brought her to were she's at" 
Tsuyu: "but she didn't deserve to be burnt and beatened like an animal kero" 
Bakugo: "shut the hell up have no idea what your talking about" 
Ochako: "but i does it feel Bakugo...for a second time to take away someones dreams" Aizawa paled oh shit
Bakugo: "what?" 
Ochako: "You..your sister the Todorokis and especially...her" pointing at Izumi
Izumi: "what?!" 
Ochako: "don't act all nice and kind you knew he would do this...DID YOU!!" the class was silent seeing the nice and kind Ochako being...well angry 
Ochako: "what happened with your brother Izumi...was it not enough?! for either of wanted steal away the things you can't hold on to because you can't handle losing to someone who clearly trained for this....for what to satisfy your fragile ego?!" 
Izumi: "Uraraka please we" 
lida: "what is she talking about?!" he said 
Ochako: "Izumi Yagi...she and her friends are the main reason her brother Izuku MIdoriya went missing...shes the reason he's helping them with 'Cyberware', she's the reason why everything is going downhill!" she said 
Shoka: "please let us explain" 
Aizawa: "i've heard enough...everyone sit down now...or else" his eyes started to this is getting out of hand 
Aizawa: "i know how you feel one is innocent in that case...but i would suggest leaving it out of the i just recieve your letters for get to choose who you want to intern with...though your selections may vary depending on whose eye you managed to capture" trying to change the subject...tension was very's almost unbearable Kota shriveled up to his desk not wanting to be seen...soon Aizawa hands out the forms to them...seeing that some got them and the others didn't...but there was one form that Aizawa was surprised to was for Jirou...Present Mic wanted her as an intern...but he knows the why...maybe he'll ask him later

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang