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as Jirou awoke from her slumber she again waits and keeps watch of the Behemoth....they again had to change locations...seeing that someone had reported a strange looking truck in a construction they moved....but it was the Behemoth would only show up as a scrambled image in the security cameras...along with the fact it can turn invisible...courtesy of Izuku Midoriya...
Toga came up from behind and covers her eyes 
Toga: guess who!" 
Jirou: "people are trying to sleep Toga" 
Toga: "wrong....Izu made the walls soundproof so it's okay" 
Jirou: " you need anything?" 
Toga: "nope...just want to say good luck" and she left 
Jirou: "okay" sweatdropping...the new location which is an abandoned apartment complex was pretty creepy...there was no animals...nothing really...just did unnerve her being out alone in the dark keeping watch...
Jirou: "*sigh*" taking another sip of tea Kurogiri brought out to her...he really is like a mother hen in the league...pretty funny actually as he cares for everyones needs..even is he doesn't have to...but he's trying to keep himself busy since he doesn't have a bar anymore 
Jirou was about to fall asleep until 
*RUSTLE!* hearing a bush and twigs breaking she immediately regained her focus her arm opens up aiming at the area the sound come from 
Jirou: "shit....who's there" she said soon the bush rustles again and her arm closes suddenly 
Jirou: "the hell?" trying to get it back open the figure came out and she sees 
Izuku: "sorry Jirou...didn't want you to draw attention" she gasped seeing Izuku was.....alive...his arm missing
Jirou: "what....what happened to your arm?!" looking at the wiring exposed checking it out she brings out her jack and connects it to him 
Izuku: "hey what?" before Jirou sees his condition....
'subject severely injured....projected bloodloss.......activated blood pump?'  it asked her 
Jirou: "blood pump?" before Izuku disconnects
Izuku: "just in case....if i lose too much blood it's there to pump more in....but don't worry about the arm....i need to see the cache" 
Jirou: "it's in your lab" before he hands her the Ashura
Izuku: "here....don't's unloaded" soon he goes inside and Jirou follows 
Toga: "IZU!!" and she jumps on him 
Izuku: "good to see you to Toga....even though i was only gone for a day" 
Toga: "aww...but i want to worry...who will give me the cool way to get blood?" 
Izuku: "No one else but me" and he walks past her 
Jirou: "my shift is done" and toga pouts before going to take watch now Jirou keeps following Izuku with the weapon still in her was surprisingly light...she only ever saw the weapon once...but she never knew about what it could do...compared to a regular weapon
Izuku then gets the cache open....then he gets out a very long case 
Jirou: "Izuku...what happened....where's Sensei?" she asked him...but he stayed silent
Izuku: "watch the news....i'm sure Tomura saw it as well.....but if you want to know...he's been captured...i managed to tank the blow from All Might...but he still got paralyzed...but he's alive....i tried to save him...but he told me to leave him...of course he refuses and i couldn't argue with i did..." 
Jirou: "Izuku...i'm sorry" 
Izuku: "it's not your fault...i wasn't strong enough....fuck" 
Dabi soon came in: "look who finally shows up" seeing his arm gone 
Izuku: "hey" 
Dabi: "saw you on the news....Shigaraki isn't happy" 
Izuku: "kind of knew it...great" 
Dabi: "you had him worry you idiot....and her" pointing at Jirou 
Izuku: "you did?" surprise now
Jirou: " did make all the tech you have done a lot for the league so of course besides Tomura you are also important" 
Dabi: "she means you are important to her" and she glares at him Izuku chuckles 
Izuku: "glad to know someone worrys for me....thank you" smiling which caused Jirou to blush again
Jirou: " problem" soon Izuku opens the case taking out a metallic arm
Dabi: "you becoming the winter soldier" 
Izuku: "my other creation...extra modding....everything...only difference...i don't have the monowire in this's very nice" soon he puts it into the socket next it spark for a moment and Izuku brings out a tool and then he drills it then it sparks fusing it to the skin and the wires in an X-ray was seen moving and adjusting itself now...fully connected...then he was finished now he was moving the arm with ease 
Dabi: "fucking walking beacon." 
Izuku: "the metal doesn't reflect the light....don't want to blind myself" 
Shigaraki then walks in and stares at him for the moment Dabi suddenly grabs Jirou 
Dabi: "yup...see ya" Jirou tried to get him off but he wouldn't budge soon he and her get out of the lab 
Jirou: "what the hell" 
Dabi: "they need to vent it out right now...clearly the tension is very high" 
Jirou looks back at the door now hearing some yelling and thrashing....yeah she'll leave it alone for now

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now