the rescue mission

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Izumi: "IZUKU!!!" sitting up suddenly she was in the was real...her brother...Johnny the supervillain....she couldn't help it....she couldn't remember after what he did...she looked around to also see both Kirishima and Katsumi also unconscious
Izumi: "Katsuki" and she was awake 
Katsuki: "hey zum....fuck that hurts" holding onto her abdomen
Kirishima also woke up: "so....he's your big bro huh....did not see that coming" 
Izumi: "he...they told me that they were torturing him...that he had only one arm...this while time i believed them...i actually believed them" then she broke down 
Izumi: "this is all my fault!!" 
"it is your fault" she looks up to see her teacher
Aizawa: "i should've expelled you when i got the and your because i know he's your brother....not only did he make you kill someone...he also took four students as well...fuck" 
Kirishima: "wait Mr. Aizawa is there another way to get them back?!" 
Aizawa: "we....we found this" showing them a tracking device
Aizawa: "seems Yaoyorozu was smart enough to put a tracker on her....of course we are trying to find their position soon...but it will take a while...Johnny is far more dangerous than i thought
Kirishima: "you fought him Sensei! MANLY!!!" 
Aizawa: "more like...surviving seems to be appropriate" which made them surprised their teacher admitted that Izuku was too much for him 
Aizawa: "he is not the same boy anymore...he became less human and more machine...we now know his true pros and even the cops along with Shield are now putting all their efforts into either arresting him...or the pros idea....kill him" the heros...want him dead mercy
Kirishima: " don't want to kill him...right?" asking him
Aizawa: "he's taken over 3000 lives...would you want someone like that wandering around freely." 
Katsumi: "but sensei...he was forced to become this" 
Aizawa: "like i said...both of you are not off the and the todorokis....but right now...i needed to check if you didn't for your classmates" the start to worry now
Aizawa: "Minoru Mineta and Hagakure Tooru....died by the hands of the League" shocked now...
Kirishima: "no..."
Aizawa: " then...i'm sorry Kirishima...but i need you to rest now...the others are fine some are okay and the others are....also in a simular state like you, But i'm sure they will pull through" 
Kirishima started to cry along with the other two
Aizawa: "now then...i need to check on the others before we start our plan" and he leaves soon Izumi felt the remote to the TV hit her head 
Kirishima: " the fuck are you still here?!" angry
Izumi: "you know...i've been asking myself the very same question" 
Kirishima: "all those lives...even our classmates....against the most powerful villain this world has seen....he is your brother!" gritting his teeth
Katsumi: "you think we didn't know! we had to fucking fight him ourselves...and he kidnapped my brother...he kidnapped others as well...we don't even know if they're alive" 
Kirshima: "no...i know they're alive...if he wanted them dead he would've done that back at camp...he has something in plan" 
Izumi: "he's trying to convince them to join" 
Kirishima: "are you kidding" 
Katsumi: "no she's not...Jirou is alive and well...but she also has  joined him..." 
Kirishima: "fuck!" and he smashs the clock by him
Izumi: "we need to get them" 
Kirishima: "i know...we need to save them" 
Katsumi: "i will go to" 
Kirishima: "as much i don't like you guys right now...we need to save our classmates...we need to get them back" 
Mina: "WE WILL COME TOO!!" and they see Mina, lida, Shoka and Todoroki together
Izumi: "you guys...we need this to be small"
lida: "yes we are certain...and we also have a chance to be expelled...but we need to put aside our difference and go get them...before it's too late" they are surprised that lida is risking his career for this
Shoto: "and we'll get Bakugo back Katsumi" 
Shoka: "we promised to become heroes together." 
Mina: "uh huh" 
Izumi: "you guys" and she started to cry again

Ochako finally went through everything now....all of the pain Izuku has went through has left her comatosed...she had felt everything...from the beatings...the verbal the neglect from his parents...and to top it all....all of the hate he has built from the beginning...she had felt what he felt during USJ, during his mission stealing the files and also.....she had felt all of the hate and vengeance he displayed during Might tower...the feeling of him taking over thousands of killing Deatharms...who couldn't even put a scratch on the pain he felt installing the cyberware on himself....all of it....
Izuku: " you are finished" he takes it off her and puts everything back 
Ochako just couldn't have the strength to look at him now
Izuku: "now i will ask again...what are your thoughts on the hero society now" 
Ochako: "I HATE IT!!!" she yelled without even realizing what she just said she gasped in surprise
Izuku: "i you also felt that" 
Ochako: "i saw everything...i felt that you hate every inch of Might tower...i felt all that hate and despair you had built up...and i hate it as much as you do...and they need to pay for it!"angry now
Izuku smiles: "so...the question" 
Ochako smiles: "i will join" and his smile grew wider
Izuku: "well then....welcome aboard miss Uraraka" soon he releases the chains and she stood up 
Ochako: "what do i need to do" 
Izuku: "wait....we are about to do something important...but in the mean time....wait in the bar...introduce you want me to get Jirou" 
Ochako: "yes" soon he calls for her 
Jirou was surprised as see her join so fast with no question....then she sees the case...and she knew what that device was....he made her experience everything he felt in his life....and she knew that would break anyone...she is still surprised to see how much he held onto his dreams before it shattered...but that's not all of it...the device has a secret sends an electrical signal to the brain causing it to recreate the neurons to change the persons behavior...but it's not drastic....if it's a normal person...what Izuku did...was he had the device fuel their hatred for the hero society...and it will only work if it the person was already doubting it...otherwise it's pretty useless to a point...and it seems to work...the sudden change of behavior that is changed with the press of a button...this frightened know that Ochako wasn't even  aware that she had that hatred injected into it was natural. 
Jirou: sure...come on Uraraka" and she nods they walked into the bar to see the others waiting...and of course...
Dabi hands her a shot: "come on...newbie" oh so they knew Kurogiri was kind of concern not because she's drinking...but because of the device Izuku used...changing how one thinks is a dangerous one should have it...but he knows he won't ever use it again since it was still a one time deal...and Izuku knows it as well...but they need to show the world that even the heroes in training attending a hero school could also be convinced
Shigaraki: so...she's the new member" and he was pushed out of the way
Toga: "HI i'm TOGA!!" up and close to her 
Ochako: "um...hi?" waving nervously
Jirou: "don't worry...she's like that with everyone else...just stay on her good side" 
Ochako pales: "or else what?" soon Toga brought out her Mantis blades
Toga: "or i'll have the urge to become you" 
Ochako: "noted" 
Jirou: "alright...over there the scarface dude is Dabi" 
Dabi: "hey" 
Jirou: "then the flaming person is Kurogiri and the deadpool looking guy is Twice" 
Kurogiri: "pleasure" 
Twice: "hello/goodbye" 
Ochako: "hi" 
Jirou: "and then there's Shigaraki...our leader and planner...and Izuku is our tactician and ripperdoc" 
Ochako: "ripperdoc?" 
Dabi: "he calls himself that...since he installs and repairs the cyberware given to us which is another question...have you gotten yours yet?" 
Ochako: "what?!" 
Shigaraki: "*sigh* every new member that joins the league must pay the price...which is to get a optimizer installed" 
Ochako: "what does that mean?" 
Jirous eyes began to glow: "you can either have one eye or both removed to get it: then Togas eyes glowed to and one eye for both Shigaraki and Dabi
Ochako: "why is twices eye not glowing?"
Twice: "can't get it/fucking sucks!" 
Jirou: "there is some complications depending with the type of quirk you have...for'res are in the only your arms and everything else can be modified if you wish...but it depends on how much you proven yourself to the league." soon Izuku was seen running out of the room and into his lab
Dabi: "the hell got him worked up
Izuku: "DABI!!" he screamed out
Dabi: "shit" and he ran in....soon some crashing is heard and some frantic movement
Shigaraki: "fuck" he knows what's going on Jirou also had the same message...
the hideout location has been discovered

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