Arrangements/ Meeting 'her'

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Izuku was sitting on the stool...downing a shot...trying to feel something now...he sees Eri watching Tomura playing game...of course if this was a regular household she would've been taken somewhere else...but..she has shown no reaction to it...she's completely desensitized to this type of stuff. except the time when one of those games had um....AHem sex scenes...then they would take her out...but he has his own room..but he said the TV in there was shitty...of course...can't argue with the leader. Eri has made Jirou and Izukus relationship a little more's not her fault  she was asking questions that a child would when she wanted to sleep with Jirou...she asked her why Izuku isn't in there with her and why they have separate rooms 
Eri: "does....mommy not like papa?" 
Jirou: "oh no....i like him''s different with us...your naturally cold...he's like metal remember?" and she nods...that was her excuse...he was cold to which Dabi was laughing like a maniac in the background hearing these questions
another one...are they married? does a six year old know these things?  
Izuku just up and explained it to her
Izuku: " and mama aren't the most likable people right now...we....the heroes...they want us gone" 
Eri: "but i thought...heroes save people? not take away parents?!" 
Izuku: "it's different with us...i...did some things that aren't...good...same with mama...but one thing we that all of us love you Eri even if you were here for a short time" ruffling her hair
Eri: "Papa...could be able to be warm?'re cold like snow" and he chuckles 
Izuku: "then you can be my snowball then" 
Eri: "hey!" 
Izuku: "okay okay...i'll see what i can do alright?" and she nods 
Eri: "papa...can you sleep with me and mommy tonight?" 
Izuku couldn't blush but he would if he could
Izuku: "Um....i don't know Eri" 
Eri: "Please?" looking up..he can't say no to that
Izuku: "*sigh*...okay...alright" 
Eri: "thank you papa" 
Izuku just chuckles

The first thing Izumi nothing...just a void...was she sleeping?...was she dead?...she doesn't know...
Izumi: "hello?" saying this caused a huge echo to sound...yeah...this is something else. 
Izumi: " anyone here?" she said again in hopes to find something..anything really to help her comprehend what this place is. 
"you meet with a terrible fate haven't you?" a voice whispering in the void 
Izumi: "what?" she looked around...and she can't find the source of the voice 
"your selfishness has lead you and everyone you love and care about into their demise" soon she sees a figure forming...stunned by this...
Izumi: "who...who are you?" she asked the figure...then it starts to take a feminine sees a woman...with Black long hair in a style simular to her mothers...her built was so...astonishing. she didn't know how to react.
"i see that Toshinori...has failed in his job of finding the perfect successor...either that or he was desperate" showing much disapproval seeing Izumi
Izumi: "who..who are you!" she asked again 
"has your father ever mention me?...great...i'm Nana Shimura...i was the seventh bearer of One For All" and she stood there shocked
Izumi: "your.....your my fathers teacher?!" 
Nana: "yes" 
Izumi: " are you here?!" 
Nana: "simple...before we passed on One For All we end up having a part of our soul integrate with the each time it's passed on it only grows stronger...but overtime it has also granted the wielder the power to interact with past users as well and seeing your face. it sickens me" she felt ashamed of this 
Nana: "not only that...i also have seen what you were doing during my time when you had this power...i saw....his son and your have really brought the world a great evil haven't you...a evil that far passes All For One...his grandfather" 
Izumi: "wait...grandfather?!!" no she can't be serious
Nana: "yes...Hisashi Midoriya...Izuku's father...was the son of All For One...i couldn't believe it myself as well, But we all must accept the truth.Just like your mother is the Legendary Omega" this is all so hard to accept her the famous omega...the legendary hero...she was even bigger than All MIght when she was in her prime...and she's her mother. and her brothers related to All For fucked up can the world get.
Nana: "now that i think about's just a full cycle...All For One fought his brother....and you must fight yours...ironic" 
Izumi: "what...what can i do?" 
Nana: "you can only hope to get be able to fight Izuku or should i say...Johnny he is far stronger than both the Symbol of peace and can only hope to stump to that level of strength and intelligence...each day he grows stronger...faster..smarter...becoming more of a machine than a wanted to grant him this power...well you can't anymore...he is nowhere near human now. The only way you can kill him is to turn his own team against him...try to show them how much of a threat he is to the world...because he will not stop until he sees it all go down...Might tower is only the beginning...soon it will Japan that will fall next into the eternal flames." 
Izumi nods: "okay...but...i want to save him!" 
Nana shakes her head: "He is far beyond saving now...the only to 'Save' to free him of his rage and pain...but even then he will try to crawl out of the grave and you must be there to stop him" 
Izumi: "i can't...i can't kill him...i have so much to make up to him...all of the things i did...all of horrible acts i've committed...i want to be able to bring him home" crying
Nana: "he is home...ashes is all that is left of him...he is no longer Izuku...only Johnny remains and there is nothing you can so to prevent it." 
Izumi: "but...what can i do against something like that?...does he even have a weakness?!" 
Nana: "i simply do not know....but i do know that he is able to withstand OFA at 100% costing him only a limb...but you can go far beyond that...the quirk is much stronger now...and this is the only way you can stop him...him and the League of Villains" 
Izumi: "okay...i need to finish him before he gets stronger" looking down...she has no chance now...she has lost it the moment she started tormenting is only right that she finishes it!
Nana: " really are determined here...but beware of this" 
Izumi: "hmm?" 
Nana: "Izuku treats the if it was his own family...if you take that away from him...know that a man with nothing left to lose is the most dangerous one" before she starts to fade away
Nana: "and one last thing Izumi." she looks at her to look away and she starts walking 
Nana: "tell your parents...including your teacher...that i am ashamed and regretful...that i have ever chosen him to inherit the power" then she fades off and soon everything starts to light up...

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