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Today is Monday, meaning I'm back to going to school, which I've been dreading. Today's already off to a bad start, I woke up late, Luke couldn't drive me to school, and it rained the entire walk there. Luckily, I wore my raincoat, so I'm not completely soaked, but it wasn't an enjoyable morning.

I quickly take off my raincoat once inside the school building, stuffing it into my locker once I've shaken some of the water out. I pull a few of my books from inside, holding them in my arm. Once finished, I push my locker closed and the bell rings. I mentally curse myself for being late as the halls become empty. A sigh escapes my lips as I scurry down the hall, rushing toward my class. I take a deep breath before knocking on the classroom door.

"You're late, miss Everly." My teacher scolds and I'm quick to apologize, not wanting to ruin my first day back from break.

"Sorry miss, I was a tad bit late to school this morning."

The teacher gives me a look before letting me into the classroom. I quickly take my seat, though I can feel the eyes of my fellow students on me.

"Back to the lesson." The teacher barks, pointing towards the board. At this point, I drown her out, focusing on the rain outside the window.

"I don't want to be here." I think to myself, fidgeting in my seat.

The class drags on for what seems like much longer than an hour, and finally the bell rings. Students file out of the classroom and into their next one, myself following suit. The day seems to last longer than usual, class after class, I find myself becoming more and more bored. I remind myself school is almost over for me, I've only got a few more month until graduation.

I'm quite nervous for graduation, I'm not sure what I'd like to do after highschool. I know most people my age feel the same way, but lately it's been eating at me. I haven't applied for any colleges, or jobs for that matter. I should probably grow up and leave the nest, soon rather than later. Finally the final bell rings and I rush out of the building after tossing my books into my locker. Once in the parking lot, I glance around, looking to see if Luke's vehicle is anywhere to be seen.

"Oi, bird!" I hear a familiar voice shot, I turn my head in the direction of the shout. I spot Luke's vehicle, but Ashton in the drivers seat. I approach the car, attempting to give Ashton a smile.

"Hey ash." I greet him, leaning into the car a bit to see if Luke's inside. I frown slightly when I notice he's not.

"Ah, he couldn't make it." Ashton shrugs his shoulder, giving me an empathic smile, "Luke's at work, asked me to come get you." I nod my head, quickly getting into the passenger seat.

"How was school?" Ashton questions, when I don't reply, he continues talking, "gosh, I remember highschool. Luke and I were such nerds." He let's out a chuckle and I perk up in my seat.

"Really?" I question. I can't see Luke being nerdy, he seems so.. cool? I can't quite find the word I'm looking for.

"Oh yeah, a pair of nerds for sure!" Ashton let's out a laugh, pulling out of the parking lot. A small laugh seems to escape my lips, though I had a pretty dull day, I will admit Ashton is funny.

Through the rest of the car ride, Ashton cracks a few jokes and I find myself laughing to myself about what's said. Finally, we pull up to the bar and Ashton parks Luke's car in the back parking lot.

"I'm surprised," Ashton says, "I never thought Luke would let me drive his car." He shakes his head, another chuckle falling from his lips, his golden curls shaking.

Ashton and I walk into the back entrance, that's I've never been through, might I add. Once inside, Ashton takes his place behind the bar and I find myself sitting toward the end of the other side. The honey haired man tends to a few customer, and I scroll through Instagram on my phone. After a few minutes, I find myself growing bored.

I wonder down the hallway towards Luke's office, softly knocking on the door.

"Not now, Ashton." I hear Luke groan through the door and I knock against.

"It's me." I squeak, holding the door knob now. I pout my lips, though he can't see me through the wooden door.

"Come in." I hear a sigh as I push opened the door, I see Luke sat at his desk, seemingly drowning in paperwork.

"What's wrong?" My eyebrows knit together as my eyes scan the stacks of paper.

Luke glance up at me for a moment before looking back down at what he was doing previously. "Just monthly paper work." He says quickly.

"Oh." I pout my lips again, sitting in the seat across from his desk. "Looks boring." I comment.

"It's important." He snaps at me suddenly, his eyes not meeting my own as they usually would.

I sit there frozen for a moment, not sure what to say, not sure if I should say anything at all. My eyes seem to dart all around the room, not sure where to look as I feel a single tear escape my eye. Without another word, I stand to my feet, quietly leaving the office, then the building itself. I may be overreacting, but I've had a really bad day. I needed him to be sweet to me, not brush me off.

Once outside, the cool December air chills me to the bone. I want nothing more than to walk back into the building and feel the heat from inside on my skin, but I don't. I continue walking down the pavement, not really caring where my feet guide me.

I stuff my hands into my coat pocket, hoping to warm them up as much as I can. The sky seems to turn grey, night nearing as I continue to walk through this broken town. I finally come back to my senses, realizing it will be dark soon, realizing I should probably be home by now. I glance around, taking in my surroundings.

"Where am I?" I mumble to myself, not recognizing this part of town. I pull my phone from my pocket anxiously, only to be met with a black screen. It's dead.

"Shit." I curse to myself, my anxiety growing by the second. My eyes dart around, hoping to find somewhere warm, preferably with a phone I could use.

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