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I hear amber call me from the kitchen, away from my angel. I rush to her, wanting to get whatever she'd like to talk about over with. I approach her, biting my lip as I wait for her to speak.

"Luke, I see the way you look at my daughter." Amber whispers, looking me in the eye. I feel my hands clam up, and I'm sure I look pale as I ghost. I didn't think it was that obvious and I'm fearful of what she'll say next.

"Amber, I promise it's not–." Amber interjects, stopping me mid sentence.

"Don't deny it, I can see it." I bite my lip as she continues, "she's fragile, you've got to care for her. It's all or nothing."

"I understand, Amber, I would never hurt her." I response in a hushed tone, glancing over at my angel for a moment.

"I haven't told Ava yet, Luke, but I'm thinking of moving to California permanently." The angel's mother says. My eyes drift over to my angel again, and I notice a look of concern covering her face.

"You know, I'll be here for her." I respond, watching Ava disappear further into the kitchen.

"Luke, please don't break her, please. She doesn't have many friends, or family anymore. She needs someone to fully be there for her," Amber pauses, "but I can't baby her forever, I can't be by her side always. She's got to leave the nest at some point, and she seems comfortable with you." I find her words a bit blunt, I understand what she's saying but a mother should always be there for her child, no matter how old.

"I understand." I nod softly, fiddling with my necklace.

We continue our talk and she explains why she wants to leave Colorado. She said she cannot stay here, the memories of her past are too much. I imagine it's the same for Ava, yet she's still here and managing. I suppose Amber has found the love she's been longing for, but I don't think she should move states away from her child. Nonetheless, I don't protest. I wouldn't want my angel to be alone. It's been hard enough staying away from her these past few days.

"I'm going to go find her, if that's alright." I say finally, ending the conversation with Amber.

Once out of her sight, I search for my angel, but she's not in the kitchen where I left her. My gaze falls upon the door to the patio and without hesitation, I open the glass door and look for my love outside.

"Baby?" I speak softly, my eyes scanning the back yard until they land on her. She's sat on the concrete, her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Daddy," her lip quivers as she looks up at me, "she's going to leave me!" She cries out. I sit aside her on the pavement, coddling her in my arms.

"Oh baby, daddy's here." I shush her cries, stroking her brown hair, "it's okay, I'm here for you."

Her teary eyes meet mine, a pout covering her lips, "Everyone leaves, even my own mother is tired of me." She breathes out.

"Oh baby, she's not tired of you," I assure her, looking into her forest eyes, "she's found her love, she needs to let go of the past." I breathe out, continuing to stroke her hair.

"I let go of my past, and I'm still here!" She cries out.

"I know baby, I know. Everyone copes differently." I shush her, rocking her in my arms now. "You know, no matter what happens, I'm not leaving you. Not now, not ever." I mutter, kissing her hair.

"Really?" She looks up at me through her lashes, pleading eyes.

"Yes baby, really." I assure her, "daddy's not going anywhere."

Soon, the angel's tears dry up, though I keep rocking her for a few moments, enjoying our time. After a while, Ava stands up, straightening her black skirt.

"Daddy, I'm cold." She whisper.

"Let's get inside, doll."

I guide my baby inside, holding her in front of me as we enter the house again.

Ava enters the living room, myself trailing behind her. She sits beside her mother on the couch, hugging her from the side

"I love you, momma." I hear Ava whisper and her mother gives me a confused look. She thinks I told her.

"Momma, I heard you talking, it's not his fault." Ava pouts, looking at her mother, "and.. and I'm not upset. I want you to be happy." My brave girl says, acting all grown up.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Her mother whispers, a tear running down her cheek, "you know I love you. It's just, your father–he hurt me a lot."

Ava frowns, nodding her head, "I know momma, I know."

I decide this is my queue to walk away, not wanting to impose on their moment. I walk to the front door, sitting in one of the chairs on Ava's porch. I pull my pack of cigarettes from my pocket and take one out, lighting it. I take a few drags from the stick, until the door opens, startling me. I hide the cigarette, glancing up to see who's opened the door. I sigh in relief when I realize it's just Charles, Amber's boyfriend.

"Out for a smoke, I see." The man smiles, pulling his own pack from his jacket.

"Yeah, mate." I chuckle, "Amber let's you smoke those?"

The ginger man nods his head, "doesn't mind, actually." A chuckle escapes his lips now.

"Cheers." I smile, offering him my lighter.

He lights his own cigarette and we sit on the porch for a few minutes, shaking a short conversation. Charles is a funny guy, I'll give him that. I just hope he's right for Amber. Amber nor Ava deserve anymore pain.

Soon enough, we finish our cigarettes and head back into the house.

"I really should be getting home," I smile at amber, "thank you both for dinner." I glance over at Ava.

I see her lean in, whispering something into her mother's ear.

"Yes, honey, that would be okay." Amber smiles, answering her daughter's question out loud, "go ask." Her mother nudges my angel forward.

The sweet girl approaches me, peering up at me, "can I stay over, please?" She whispers and I chuckle, nodding.

"Of course, grab your coat."

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