No Promises and Riddled

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Skyler's P.O.V

"Malia?" I asked and she stood there looking oblivious.

"That's my name." She stared blankly and I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't remember me?" I asked and she shook her head.

Okay, it is a lot concerning that Morrell knows everything.

"Should I know you?" She asked and I thought for a second and then shook my head.

If my friends and I changing her back is the reason she's in this hell-hole then I suggest not telling her who I was would be a better choice.

And I hate coyotes.

"No," I stated and then looked behind her at the dull, dark room. "Not unless you were expecting another roommate."

"Right. But I almost ate my other roommate because she was annoying so try not...being annoying." She moved to one side allowing me in and I placed the clothes on my bed.

Oh my god, I really hate coyotes.

"Try not eating me." I scoffed and she turned her head to me and gave me the same oblivious look.

"You say something?"

"Not really." I quickly replied, beginning to get changed into the new set of clothes.

They were definitely something Lydia wouldn't be caught dead in. Actually I would be dead if Lydia caught me in this.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked with a blank look on her face.

Well, I'm guessing she wasn't a people person. I didn't even realise I was smiling until she pointed it out.

"You just got thrown into a mental institution. You shouldn't be smiling."

"Thank you for that observation." I nodded. "I was just thinking of a friend."

"There's no point. If you start thinking about people you care about then you'll just drive yourself even more crazy."

"Again should I be thanking you or be concerned about the advice your giving me?" I asked but I don't think she understood that it was rhetorical.

"Thanking me. I thought that was obvious."

"At least now I know why you're in here," I muttered under my breath and she shrugged while going back under the covers. " did you end up in here?"

She wasn't exactly hesitant to answer.

"I killed my mother and sister in the car when I was eight, during a full moon and then transformed into a coyote for eight years. Then a bunch of assholes turned me back and I couldn't keep control or turn back to being a coyote so I put myself in here. That way I wouldn't have to face my Dad every day and tell him I'm the reason his wife and daughter are dead."

I widened my eyes a little speechless and the only thing that came out of my mouth was a sarcastic answer. As always. "I didn't exactly ask for a life story but that"

She gave me a confused look and I raised my eyebrows and then sat on my bed before hugging my legs close to my chest.

They really did turn the temperature down in here.

"Do you even know what sarcasm is?" I asked and she shook her head. "Right I forgot you spent half of your life running in the woods as a coyote."

I hugged my knees closer to my chest beginning to shiver.

"What are you doing?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

"You mean besides from living it out my fantasy of locking myself up in a mental institution?" I asked in my usual level of sarcasm and she went back to being oblivious. "It's freezing in here and I'm usually used to having a high temperature."

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