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i give up on doing the gifs

tw: mentions of drug use,, allergic reaction,, abuse,, overall bad chapter

"𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐓? 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊?" i murmer quietly to myself as schlatt smirks down to me and shrugs.

"start your stream up clem!" austin says, knocking me out of my shock. i nod furiously and open stream labs and minecraft. my message of me going live heads out to my 32 thousand followers.

"i'm live. join or die."

i giggle as i see schlatts phone light up. austin says goodbye to the audience and hosts my stream. i watch as the viewers rack up until it stops at 50,000. i smile to the stream before immediately becoming a sweaty gamer.

"oi oi oi folks. today i will be speedrunning the sims. but with an extra commentator," i hear the pop of the discord call at the exact same moment schlatt booming voice fills my headphones. i rip them off my head as he yells loudly from downstairs.

"- BROAD WHY DID YOU TAKE ME OFF YOUR EARS?" he screeches as i can semi hear him from inside the floor. i kick it as hard as i can to get him to shut the fuck up, pretending to have a temper tantrum.

"WHY," kick, "WONT," kick, "HE," big kick, "SHUT UP," yell. noise complaint. i see the chat already dropping things such as 'noise complaint' and 'jesus this bitch is annoying' i sit back in the chair and throw my headphones on. loading up the screen i tell the chat that jschlatt will be speaking for me.

"okay now," i nod to nobody in particular, "i am not in charge of anything he says, and i am staying on to make sure i don't get cancelled on twitter you can not hear me. we've done this before, chat veterans, with blythe, and we know how that goes," i re-think back to when i got cancelled for saying the f slur when blythe said it and i am also pansexual. got that cleared up.

"did you get cancelled?" schlatt asks. i hum a light yes and he laughs in that dumb, cute, laugh of his. i roll my eyes. when i got cancelled i got doxed, and i actually had people trying to break in, so i got my neighbor my key incase i get fucking shot. i gave schlatt an extra once he came inside. CAME INSIDE MY HOUSE. TO LIVE WITH ME. I AM NOT 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓.

"thats fucking metal," he whispers as create a sim. i see someone in chat ask about my finger.

"yeah okay so here's the story, i was on my way to quickcare for a burn yeah? and it's fucking cold and the person i was with was making me run to get inside, and i fell and it broke. mega L on my part, but now it's basically immobile and this is going to be the worst speedrun. but! they did give me a little bit of painkillers that i have yet to take. maybe i'll take them mid stream, see how long it takes to get banned," i shrug my shoulders. this king ass story gets a chuckle from schlatt. i make a cute single mom named ma balls. she is a randomized sim, i did not care, my hand hurt.

"okay small men," schlatt starts. i giggle a little as i drop down in a nice starter house, "we're just going to... cook salad? oh wait okays here's a man, travis scott?" i giggle as i explain that travis scott is a townie in the sims.

"oh okay, not the rapper, oh fuck we're already flirting. okay we're only 10 minutes in," he sighs as i rush into build mode to make a double bed, "damn getting frisky,"

"okay if we beat my record of twenty-seven minutes i will take pain killer, OFF CAMERA, because my arm hurts. don't do drugs," i nod as i continue to flirt. after some failed actions we almost woo-hoo. 25 seconds until my record is gone. 24... 23... 22... FUCK YEAH. they woo-hoo'd yes! i celebrate before heading off camera to take some pills. the label, no nuts, i'm all good. even if they did have a slight hint of nuts my epi-pen was right next to my streaming equipment, prominently on view. i never told them what it was for. i'd be tormented. bullied off the app.

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