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when i finally wake up in the morning, it's not so shitty outside, and the weather is nice enough that i can take photos. i get up and stretch, scrolling through my timeline before opening my closet to the clothes that i had previously packed. i'll do a dark academia inspired look today, as it was still a little chilly. i put on a light over coat, dark skirt with a turtleneck and some thigh high socks with mary janes. describing my outfits makes me feel like i'm in a 'my mom sold me to one direction' fanfiction.

i set my phone up on the window before taking some cute pics in my basic poses i recycle every single photo. peace signs. leg lifted peace signs. shy kid pose. give me huggies with the camera high.

when i get finished taking the photos i hum a tune to some song i dont remember the name of and open instagram. no editing, i'm that confident today. i start to pick and choose the best photos before posting some of the ones with levi last night.

when i finally get finished picking photos i caption it, "missed you <3" and post. shutting my phone off, i lay on my bed and hope some knight in shining rain boots will swoop by my window again. i put my headphones on. i've been very emo lately. once i finish my playlist i'll go to the café to grab some coffee.

charlotte opens the door and gestures for me to get up, and i realize i'm still in my outfit.

"looking good babe," charlotte says as she pulls my hand into her room. i see she has her stream up. there's a timer that says 13:47:08 up at the top, and it keeps going up.

"24 hour stream?" i ask as she tells me to sit down.

"i've got to pee," she runs out of the room before i can protest. checking the chat, i see people spamming about me, and realize she has 100,000 viewers. holy shit. the donos are coming in really quickly but i have some chances to respond to the questions.

"why am i so dressed up? oh i just posted on my instagram. follow me, @clemetinejuice," the chat seems satisfied at the answer to this

"am i allergic to peanuts? i mean yes. that's how i blew up is almost dying on stream," i shrug my shoulders and fiddle with my hair.

"where is jschlatt? what happened to you to?" before i can play it off charlotte pushed me out of the chair and sits down in it, bantering with the chat like normal. i mutter something snarky and head back to my room.

i decide to take life by the balls and to go head over to schlatt's house. i was sick and tired of waiting for him to come to me. i head to the kitchen to look for the cookies charlotte baked yesterday during her stream. fishing through the fridge, i find a full batch. taking a bite to make sure they aren't poison, i grab a tupperware container and drop the non poisonous cookies into it. i finish the rest of my cookie before heading over to schlatts house.

"hello? anyone home," i say as sweetly as possible, knocking as hard as i can. i heard footsteps coming towards the door so i bend down to "tie" my mary janes.

"i don't want to join the mormon-" i look up to schlatt and see who it is. feigning shock, i fall backwards lightly, onto my ass. just as i'm about to tumble down the stairs, i feel a strong hand grab my forearm.

"get up, and leave," schlatts gruff voice says as he pulls me up. my arm pops lightly as he pulls, and look at the cookies spilt on the ground.

"i was just trying to bring cookies to the neighbors," i attempt to catch my breath and explain myself, but the door is already shut. i fish my phone out of my pocket and text charlotte that i will probably come in her room crying.

should i do a lyric chapter
those are always fun
i've got some good songs

i've got a new kitten on the way!!
you guessed it! i'm pregnant. /j
i'm actually getting a new cat

current name choices 🤪🤪-ranboo-tubbo-wilbur-nihachu-sapnap-karl-minx-leave ur own 🤪🤪

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current name choices 🤪🤪
-leave ur own 🤪🤪

window; jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now