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once we emerge from the bathroom, i get the uber message that they're here. it's a man named luke, and he has a 4.3 star rating. cool cool. we sit awkwardly in the car after piling our suitcases in the back. my laptop sleeve embarrassing the shit out of me as it falls off while i'm in the middle of hiding it, exposing it to luke.

"rough night, eh?" he jokes, and schlatt and i laugh a little bit.

"i guess you could say that," we both say in unison.

"jinx," i whisper as i look down, remembering what happened earlier.

"so where are ya'll flying to?" luke asks, breaking the tension.

"florida, for a meetup," i answer quietly.

"oh my god wait!" he thinks before answering, "are you clementine juice? my girlfriend watches you! same with jschlatt! which i think is you!" this is my second time being recognized and it feels good.

"yes, yes we are," i smile proudly. my inner leo is coming out.

"could i have a photo at the next stoplight?" he asks happily, and i oblige.

once we hit the stoplight, we lean in, and i smile.

"thank you so much! do you have something on your cheek?" he zooms in on a small bit of liquid on my cheek. i wipe it quickly.

"yeah it's just water! haha ha..." schlatt makes a quick glance at me before agreeing.

"oh okay.. anyways, we're here!" luke says, motioning for us to head out. i hand him a 20 and thank him for the ride. we grab out things out of the back and head into the airport.

i hate plane rides. i've said it once, i'll say it again. i'm stuck between an old lady and a teenager with a fucking infant. i hate babies. i hate old people. but sitting here as the flight is almost over is this lady. she seems nice though, she's hand crocheting. said she was making a scarf for her kids. aww.

i relax and just watch her hands move in a mesmerizing pattern until a baby starts to scream next to me. the young girl holding him is panicking. as much as i hate babies, i hate seeing overwhelmed teenagers.

"i had to help raise my siblings, do you need help?" i ask as politely as possible. with tears in her eyes she hands over the baby nodding. i take him and swaddle him a bit tighter than he already was, and then rick him lightly. here's my trick though, i lightly massage his back from outside the blanket. he starts to calm down, making small snooze noises.

"here you go," i whisper, handing the baby back. the teenager smiles graciously and i see a tear spring from her cheek. i have to help her.

"do you want my phone number? call me whenever you're overwhelmed. are you from texas?" she nods her head lightly. we both came from the semi small airport.

"um, yes," i smile at her response and rip a paper out of my planner, writing down my number.

"thank you," she says as the plane starts its descent.

when the plane lands, some people clap, including schlatt. i see him wipe a tear and i laugh loudly at him when we get off. wilbur is my ride from the airport, and schlatt got his own taxi, but now i get to wait around in silence for wilbur to meet me.

short chapter

QUESTION: should i make clementine be a mary sue and have the of age female interested streams like like her or should i just have a wilbur vs schlatt vs levi vs secret person rivalry?

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