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listen. i wanted to punch wilbur. i wanted to wipe the smug look off of his face, but i like wilbur. he doesn't deserve it. my anger may have blinded me, but i still have my self control. so as i shamefully walk down to the front desk to attempt to explain why my keycard is snapped, billions of thoughts rush through my mind.

why is she in love with him. what does he have that i don't. i don't want to be obsessive. i'm not. i swear i'm not obsessive. i swear. i want her back though.

"woah, what happened," a tall lady with blonde hair stands behind the front desk, dark purple bags under her blue eyes, and long eyelashes.

"i, uh," i rack my brain for an excuse, "uh."

"let me guess, you saw your ex with another guy. happens all the time. hand it over," she reaches out her manicured nails and i give it to her, "what's your room number?"

"oh.. 420, hah," i saw awkwardly as she grabs the card and does something on the computer. i nod a thank you, walking over to the elevator. one of them is out of order, so i take the other one, bringing it up to the room.

when i reach it, i see several teenagers walking through the hallway. i recognize them as tommy, tubbo, and ranboo.

"hey big man!" tommy yells. he never lost his energy. ranboo and tubbo just stand there and wave.

"hello tom," i force a smile and keep walking.

"what's wrong big man?" god i don't feel like dealing with him, but i turn around.

"nothing! just tired. jet lag, y'know?" i fake. sleepy smile, and rub my eyes.

"see ya later big man," the boys continue down to the hallway, and i swipe my card and get into my room. flopping down on the bed, i open twitter. scrolling through randomly, i get bored and switch to instagram.

"ugh," groaning, i go to shower, when i hear a knock on the door.

"hello?" clementine's raspy voice is muffled by the door, but i can still make it out, "schlatt i know you're in there. it's just me."

i give in and open the door.

"what do you want," i look down to the floor, and then back to clementine.

"i- i wanted to talk to you," clementine's voice is soft, and i can see a pack of cigarettes sticking out of her pocket. this is stressing her out, she usually doesn't smoke.

"about what," i walk to the bed, and she sits down.

"you know, everything," clementine starts.

"it's fine," i'm lying.

"no it's not,"

"yes, clementine, it is,"

"no schlatt, it isn't. look. i loved you. i think i still might. but we've both moved on. we never like eachother at the same time. it would've been perfect, but it isn't, we'll never be perfect, because that isn't us. we aren't perfect. but. i'm talking to wilbur now. you'll have to accept that. you had mary, i have wilbur," she takes a deep breath, and her hands shakily wipe tears from her eyes before walking out to the balcony, i follow her, and watch her carefully take and light a cigarette, "i really should quit, i know. you care too much for me, i'm not worth caring for schlatt. we know this. i love you, but i also like wilbur, and right now, he's the best for me. maybe later in life we'll fall back together, like a lost puzzle piece finally making its way home, but for now, we are not made for eachother," she takes a long drag of her cigarette, she puts it out, stuffing it in the ashtray the hotel provided on balconies.

i can't speak, but clementine stares at me, and walks to me, and kisses me. her lips taste like cigarette and regret, a small trace of alcohol lingers, but i kiss back. i want this to last forever. but she pulls away, leaving me cold. she takes on look at me, before opening the door. her short frame is halfway covered by her long black hair, which falls at the middle of her back. her white crew neck belongs to wilbur, and her black basketball shorts show has she didn't care what she looked like, but she still looked amazing.

"see you tomorrow, i guess," she puts the cigarette and lighter back in her pocket and then heads back to her room.

window; jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now