14. Alvin part-2

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Everyone could hear her cries from downstairs. The brothers felt as if they were about to die hearing their little sister cry, Daniel and Ruby had tears in their eyes seeing their daughter cry.

Then Robert spoke "I will go to my sister she is crying I am her favorite" and without waiting for any response he went upstairs towards her room

"call Alex and Rovin they might know about Alvin" Daniel said

"ok" Lorenzo said and called Rovin from Ana's phone and put the phone on speaker

After few rings Rovin picked up and said

"hey butterfly what is it?"

"Rovin it us" Daniel said

"what's wrong why did you call from her phone?"

"who is Alvin?" Ruby asked

"who is Alvin?" Rovin questioned back

"we don't know any Alvin" Alex replied from side of Rovin

"what's wrong?" Alex asked

Then they explained everything to Alex and Rovin on phone

"we don't know any Alvin butterfly never told us about anyone of that name" Rovin said

"and when I called her princess once she was angry as well but I taught it was some normal reflex so I left it but now I don't think it's normal" Alex said

Then Nick said "how about you both co..." he was cut off by some beautiful voice singing they immediately recognized it as Ana.

"don't say me that is butterfly who is singing" Rovin sounded scared

"it is her why?" Alexzander said

"oh my god, we are coming there now" Alex said and hung up the call

Alex and Rovin were coming to the Crimson mansion where as the Crimson family was Hella confused.


Robert went in to see Ana curled up in bed crying so he did what felt right he went to her and hugged her

"why are you crying sis?" Robert asked Ana

"Robby what are you doing here?" Ana asked looking at him

"I won't leave you until you stop crying my friend said if anyone is alone while crying you should share some tears so they won't feel alone so I won't go" Robert said

"you are so good"

"now tell me did you cry because you miss Alvin?" although Robert did not know who Alvin was he was cleaver enough to understand that her big sister missed someone named Alvin

"yes I miss him a lot" Ana said hugging Robert "and you remind me of him a lot"

"so, think me as him and do what you did to Alvin I know I can't be him but I will be happy if I am able to help you"

Ana looked at Robert with shock at how a 5-year-old can be so mature but any way she blinked her eyes and soon instead of Robert she saw her little three-year-old Alvin hugging her

"what are you *yawn* thinking about?" Robby asked

"come on let me sing you to sleep it's too late for you to stay awake" Ana said

"humnm" Robby said

Then Ana tucked her little Alvin in bed and started to sing the song she used to sing Alvin to sleep

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