27. Dear Dairy

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Anastasia POV

Dear dairy,

It is so good to be back with my family. I was shocked when I learnt what happens in the two years, I mean my single disappearance the whole mansion fell.

I feel bad and good at the same time, good as there are people who love me till death and would do whatever for me and bad as I put them through this bad time.

I got my memory back when I woke up in Nicholas's room there was the family photo that we took in the restaurant on the nightstand beside his bed.

I can't believe my son is now 5 years old. I just love my life now.

It's been three weeks since I am back and life treats me well till now, on the first week I took over the Spanish mafia and made an official announcement that queen of death is back and fought a few matches on the second week I spend time with my family, uncle Vadmin, dad, Emily were full on protection mode they told that Marie and Liam got out of jail and did that bomb blast as a last-minute plan, guess what they are dead.

Alex and Rovin were the one who killed Marie and Liam as the revenge of the pain they put me through, I was full on crying mode when they said that not because I feel sad for them but because I feel a lot of weight off my shoulder, I had to suffer all my life because of them and finally they are gone.

I can finally start to live my new life; I will now love my life till ends and keep fighting.

Writing this I closed my dairy put it on the nightstand and went down

"do you really have to go?" I questioned as dad, Vadmin and Emily were leaving

"as much as we love to stay we have to go you know I have been ignoring that mafia shit last three weeks just to spend time with my daughter" dad said hugging me and kissing my forehead

And then uncle Vadmin hugged me then Emily

"I love you" I said

"we love you too" they said and left

Today lucifer's friend David will be coming over to stay as lucifer lives here and David parents were out so he had to stay with him, papa, mama, uncles and aunts were going on a little vacation trip tomorrow which I forced them into as they had to live their life not just roaming around there crazy brothers of mine. They are currently packing for it.

"Anastasia my favourite sister in this whole family" eric said hugging me from behind

He is so dramatic

"correction I am your only sister and what do you want?" I asked

"damn how is it that you always know"

"well, you do your overacting only if you want something now tell me"

"well, I will tell you but do not freak out ok" he sounded hesitant

"ok....." I trailed off not knowing what to say

"so, it is... I.... iwantyoutomeetmygirlfriend" I almost didn't catch the last part as he said it too fast

Key word-almost

"WHAT ARE YOU SERIOU...?" I was about to shout more when he placed his hand on my mouth and started to ramble things again

"look I totally understand if you don't want to meet her but please do not tell anyone you are the only one to know it I am not ready to open up this fast I am planning to tell them after elders return from trip and...."

"shut it and say when am I meeting her" I said he stood there frozen

"you accept it?" he asked

"of course,"

"I told her about you she said she want to meet you tomorrow" he said

"I will come tomorrow don't worry"

"thanks, you are the best" he kissed my cheek and ran away probly to call her

Wait a damn minute I didn't even get her name

I decided to leave it as lucifer and Blake will come with David any minute now

"HOME SWEET HOME" Blake shouted as he entered

"how many times have I told you not to shout Blake" Edward shouted clearly pissed

"HUNDRED TIMES AND IT WILL STILL BE LESS" Blake shouted in response

"shut it" lucifer said as he came with David

"nice to meet you again David" I said

"you too Anastasia"

"wait when did you meet?" Blake asked shocked

"when you were walking around with an antenna on your head during lunch at school" David chucked and said

"I still have those video which fortunately some kind hearted student took" David said again

"that will be played on his marriage" I said

"shut up" Blake said

"Elena take David to living room I will go fresh up" lucifer said and headed upstairs

"ok and by the way Damon your grey hoodie is in my room so do not search for it" I said and turned towards David leading him to living room

"Principessa do you know where my grey tie is?" papa shouted from upstairs

"I gave it to mama for washing" I said back

I looked at Blake and David as they were currently watching tv with Eric

"queen where is my wife also known as your aunt?" uncle Shane asked

"I don't know old man" I replied

"Lexi did you stitch my new hood too?" nick asked coming out of his room with his new hoodie in his hand

"yes Nicholas, I did, it was fun" I shot back

"Elena where is Blake?" as you guess its lucifer

I looked at Blake who was pleading me to be quite with his hands I stuck my tongue out and said

"he is in living room with David and Eric"

"good call that idiot here"

"her fighter did you use my boing gloves?" Lorenzo asked

"yeah I let it in gym" I said he muttered a quick 'ok' and left

"Daisy do you want me to get your fishes here?" Lucca asked

"do not ask just do it I love them" I said

"buttercup do you know where is Alvin and Robert?" Caleb asked

"they are in the backyard" I said

Then I sat on the couch only to find David staring at me weirdly

"what's wrong?" I asked

"well, your name Anastasia only right?"

"yeah why do you ask that?"

"well, the whole time I am here each one of your family called you a different name but not one of them used your real name I mean just look you've been called let me state them Elena, queen, Principessa, Lexi, daisy and buttercup wow that's just a lot" he said with amusement

"well its just a habit now" I replied and we were back on tv 

word count: 1139

only one mare chapter left


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