24. school adventure

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Now currently all the elders are doing the same thing that they have been doing for two years, searching for her and all the younger once were forced to go to school.

In the school they did nothing but time pass and be cold to everyone.

"how about we go back to smoking" nick asked his brothers who were currently standing in the corridor

"let's go" said Nathen and Matteo while Lorenzo just nodded Edward Eric and Noah were already lilting up their cigar

Wen they were on their way to the gate a small figure bumped into Matteo

"watch wher..." he stopped as he looked down although they cant see her face as she was staring down her hair was what caught their attention it was the same color of their family girls violet but it was braided 

" he stopped as he looked down although they cant see her face as she was staring down her hair was what caught their attention it was the same color of their family girls violet but it was braided 

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"I a..am so...sorry pl...please d...do n.. not h.. hur. Hurt me" she trembled fear written in her eyes tears started to flow down on her rosy cheeks

The brothers were confused she was cared of them, their little sister who chocked Noah was scared of them

"why will we hurt you and why are you scared of us Ana?" Eric asked voice full of hurt and sadness

"Da..Daisy" she said in a feared tone which was barely audible

"what?" nick asked

"my n..name is Daisy no...not a...Ana" she shuttered more tears made their way out of her glossy eyes

"hey we wont hurt you ok calm down do you know who we are?" asked Edward in a sad tone which was comforting her

She shook her head in no

Their heart broke their sister forgot them

"calm down ok we won't hurt you lex...Daisy" said Nick wiping her tears with his hand and putting lot of effort in calling her Daisy and not Lexi

She just nodded

"why are you here?" asked Giovanni

Daisy POV

I was just playing with my fishes when I heard the door open. When I went out to see who it was I saw meanie aunty standing there.

I am scared I wanted Bubba

Then I remembered Bubba said he was going to school so I quickly took my notepad and went to out using back door

Bubba never allowed me to go out alone but this time I was alone and scared

I remember once bubba took me to a huge building and said it was his school so I started my

School adventure

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