When 2 Souls Connect

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The two boys walked hand in hand back along the beach, their stomachs full and their hearts too. As much as neither wanted to admit it, both George and Dream felt something new tonight. A feeling unlike one they had ever felt with another person before each other. It was clear to both that this was not some high school crush, or a one night stand with strings attached. This was so much more. The feeling of raw emotion which blistered from the inside out could not be mistaken. This was love. True love.


Dream walked round to the passenger side door opening it for George, extending an arm and bowing low as if he was some form of royalty. George simply rolled his eyes and shook his head in hopes to hide the soft blush which peppered his cheeks. They both climbed into their respective seats and began to head home.

As they arrived back at Dreams house, George noticed the other boys excessive fidgeting increase even more. He tapped his fingers harshly along the steering wheel and chewed nervously at the skin of his lips.

"Dream?" George asked as they exited the car.
"You okay?.. You seem, off." His voice was soft. He wondered if perhaps he had upset the blonde though couldn't fathom an idea of what might've done it. They had a perfect evening filled with laughs and comforting words, Dreams sudden change in mood was least expected, it scared George.

Dream fiddled with his keys for quite some time before unlocking the front door. He couldn't seem to make his hands stop shaking. He could only pray that George didn't notice his nervous attire, he didn't want to ruin the night. He walked inside slowly, darkness submerging him as the older boy followed, closing the door.

"Why don't we turn on a light, Dream?" George whispered. The house was quiet and cold. It was almost like no one had been inside for weeks. The blinds were drawn too. Odd, George thought. They never closed the blinds or the shutters unless it was stormy out, he knew how much Dream valued an early start and natural light to wake him up.

"No, no it's fine like this. Here come on."  Dream reached out a hand for George to take, and he did, reluctantly. His body was screaming not to, that it would only lead to a never ending doom of pain and terror, but his heart, well his heart said Dream and only Dream. Nothing could go wrong with him. Surely?

The pair fumbled over the living room furniture to the hallway which lead to the bedrooms. Dream broke his contact with George letting go of his hand and allowing it to fall swiftly to his side.

"I think we should just go to bed, George. It's been a long day and I'm pretty tired."
George opened his mouth to respond but Dream had already turned into his own room. He felt tears threatening to well into his eyes, a burning sensation gathering at his throat. He pushed them away with a deep breath before slowly walking down the hall to his room.

As George reached the bedroom he could see a faint yellow glow creeping out from under the door. He gulped. He knew he hasn't left any lights on before they left. Was someone in his room? Had they broken in? Was this the reason for the impending feeling of death in his stomach?

Slowly, he pushed the door handle down swinging the door open and peered into the room. His heart sank.

Soft yellow fairy lights  had been strung along the ceiling above the bed which was covered in deep red rose petals. A plush teddy bear sat neatly at the foot of a bed with a card in its arms.

George walked over taking the paper from the bear.
"Be mine?"
George read the two words over and over, a large smile etching it's way onto his face. He jumped as he felt a large hand on his shoulder. Dream. The smaller boy spun around and latched himself onto the blonde, pulling him in for a tight hug. Dreams heart skipped.

"When the hell did you do this?" George asked, his voice muffled against Dreams chest.
"You like it?" His smile could be heard through his words.
"Of course, I love it! But whe- wh- how!?"
Dream chuckled.
"Maybe next time you won't get all huffy when I take 20 mins to come out to the car."
George laughed. So that's what he'd been doing whilst George waited for him.

The two pulled apart, eminent blushes on their faces. They locked eyes.
"You still haven't answered my question yet, Georgie."
"Wh- what question?"
Dream lifted the card and bear from the bed, handing them to George.
"Are you serious? Like you actually want this? To be with me? To be an us?"
"Of course, idiot. George I like you, so much. Maybe even more than like. Im not sure. All I know is I've never felt anything close to what I feel when I'm with you. My heart is so full of you I can hardly still call it my own."

George smashed his lips into the blondes, gripping his hair with his free hand and clutching the teddy tightly in his other.
"I- I think I'm in love with you Dream.." George whispered against Dreams lips, not daring to break the kiss.


With love comes great happiness, it lights up our darkest days and calms our strongest nerves. But it also comes with much regret, and a deep bundle of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear that what they always thought was meant to be, simply wasn't. And although George's head begged him to leave, pleaded at him to escape Dreams hold, his heart beat drowned out the noise, the butterflies in his stomach carried the thoughts away and the taste of Dreams lips on his own only clouded his mind even more.
Although there was no telling what the future held and if they'd soon regret this. George knew one thing for sure, Dream would never be unloved by him, he was too well tangled in his soul. They were infinite.

AN: yes yes I wrote that last paragraph all by myself, I know I know, I'm a genius with words. Kidding on but yeah I'm hella proud of that. I want this story to have a more serious plot along with the fluff and of course smut (which will be soon). Don't worry I'm not planning on heavy angst, I'm not sure if I'm good at writing it but we'll see. Happy Valentine's Day or not so happy depends lmao. Ily all thank you for reading so far :))

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