Harmless Flirting-1

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Edit: check out my new book!! Amnesia - Dream X Georgenotfound

Dreams fingers delicately moved across his keyboard, years of skill clearly showing on his hands. Voices could be heard emitting from his headphones, loud yells which caused him to slightly pull them off his ears with a pained look on his face, wincing at the volume. He shouted into his mic.

"Oh my god George will you please stop screaming you're gonna make my head burst!"
He laughed out the words, his voice sounding desperate in an act to refrain himself from going deaf.
"Ooh Georgie, seems like Dream doesn't like your screaming" Sapnap said sarcastically through his mic. Dream rolled his eyes in disapproval forgetting no one could see him.

"I don't like those kinds of screams, his other ones are a different story" Dream retaliated in a smug flirtatious voice before clasping a hand over his mouth shocked at what he had just said.
The call exploded with laughter from Sapnap, Dream really hoping George never heard him. He knew how awkward George got at their jokes when it was him in the middle of them. He turned to his left looking at one of his monitors which had George's stream pulled up. The British boy was wearing a grey hoodie with its sleeve pulled up over his hand in an attempt to cover his face from embarrassment. His cheeks were blushed pink and he awkwardly giggled into his hoodie. Dreams heart fluttered at the sight. His eyes drawn to the other boys, getting lost in the honey-like colour.


Instantly he pulled his gaze away to face back to his main monitor his cheeks glowing red and an anger filling in his stomach. He refused to look at another guy that way, especially if that other guy was George. His best friend. What was wrong with him? Highly glad no one could see his face which was plastered with a look of embarrassment met with a slight hint of lust, he returned to the game.
"Dream? You alright there pal?" Sapnap said into his mic.
"Wha- yeah, yeah I'm good. Why?"
"You kinda zoned out for a minute there..." There was a hint of suspicion in Sapnaps voice as he said this. But what could he be suspicious of? No one could see Dream. No one could hear his thoughts. The thoughts he had about George. How he longed to run his hands through his soft brown hair, tugging on it slightly to get a reaction out of his friend as their lips-
He stopped himself.

"How long was I out for?" Dream asked, trying to keep his composure calm so not to make them question him anymore.
"About 3 minutes"
3 minutes. He was fantasising about another boy for 3 minutes?! His face grew hot and a wave of embarrassment came over him.

This time it was another voice which came from his headphones.
"Sapnap don't embarrass him! He was just thinking about how gorgeous I am." The thick British accent poured out, sounding heaven-like to Dream. George hadn't spoken in a while, probably due to the disgust at their inappropriate jokes. It took Dream by surprise. Hearing his soft voice in his ears. It was only a voice. Why did he have to overthink it so much, why did a voice have such an affect on him?
George streamed for another hour after that before wrapping up. They all said their goodbyes to the chat before closing their games and sitting on discord.

"I better go guys it's getting late" Sapnap said, his voice groggy and thick with tiredness. It was around 1am for Dream but he wasn't planning on going to bed anytime soon. They said their goodbyes and the small noise sounded to indicate Sapnap left the call, leaving George and Dream alone.
What could possibly go wrong?

A/N: hiii! Pretty short first chapter, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Slow start with not too much going on but I think it'll really help with the pace of the story. Next chapter will probably be a little longer. Enjoy!!
AN 2: Going back and editing these chapters, changing some small bits here and there, originally had Dream and Sapnaps names as their irl names but I've decided to change it. Thank u all

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