Chapter 11: Shopping Trip

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The rest of the week passed without incident, as I didn't faint, feel sick, or have any more new dreams. Casimir and I ended up traveling to and from school together, the young man waiting for me to finish with my Art Club each day. He would wake each morning to help Grandfather in the fields until it was time for school. Then I would travel with him to school and watch as he diligently attended all of his classes. The most shocking part was despite all of this work, he still managed to get all of his homework done on time, and would complete any household chores he was given as well. He also liked to cook, making more than enough food for everyone in the house throughout the week. I never saw much of him at home except for when he was cooking or at mealtimes, as he kept mostly to himself. Any free time he had was spent upstairs in his room, watching movies or reading from his small book collection. Just watching him made me feel exhausted, and a smidge jealous. Okay, I was insanely jealous.

It was the weekend and I was relaxing on the couch group texting with Zola and Sunita about my grumblings with Casimir's perceived perfection.

Me: It's just not fair, there is no way someone is this nice and can be good at so many things.

Zola: Present company excluded of course?

Me: You know what I mean.

Zola: Oh no, he is obviously secretly a serial killer or something.

Sunita: -_-

Me: lol


I lifted my head from my phone. My grandfather had come in from work and was standing at the edge of the couch looking down at me.

"Yes, what's going on?"

"Could you do me a favor and run to the store for some groceries?" he asked, waving a list in his hand.

I panicked for a moment as I did a quick risk assessment in my head. It was an issue I didn't want to tell my grandfather about and that subject involved Len, the last boy I had gone on a date with. He was the son of the local grocer and my not-quite ex-boyfriend. After a night of sloppy kisses on his couch, he pushed for more, and I declined. Afterward, he was determined to get me to agree to a second date and so far, I had done a really good job of avoiding him. I was hoping Len would get the hint soon before I ended up yelling at him. I knew if I told my Grandfather about it he would just overreact and it would cause friction in the town. I normally never had a problem shopping, but Sundays were now iffy as Len usually worked that day so his parents could go to church. I'm sure the hesitation showed on my face because my grandfather let out an impatient sigh.

"Please, I would appreciate it."

"Sure Grandpa," I conceded, sticking my hand out for the list. I glanced over the inventory of items my lips drawing into a thin line, this would not be a quick shopping stop.

"I know it's a long list, so you can take the truck to help you carry it back home," Grandpa chimed in. He pulled the car keys from his pocket and dangled them enticingly.

"Awesome, thanks!" I said as I smiled up at him. Having the truck meant my trip would be much faster and I could escape quickly as well.

"You can take Casimir with you also," Grandpa added, turning to head back into the kitchen. "That way he can learn where the store is."

"I don't want to bother him on his day off," I grumbled, sliding my legs off the couch. As I stood up I tucked the list and my phone in my jean pocket.

Grandfather just waved his hand dismissively at me. "I'm sure he won't mind. Money is on the counter, love you, see you later."

He was quickly out the back door before I could utter another word of protest. I was betting he was off to putter around the yard for the next few hours. As I stood there I briefly wondered if he wanted Casimir to go with me to make sure I wouldn't pass out and injure myself. I honestly couldn't be mad at him for that.

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