Chapter 20: I Dream of You

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(Warning; this chapter includes scenes of death)

We woke up early this morning. I was excited because it was the weekend and that meant more time with my mom and dad. They worked so much that I never saw them during the week so Saturday and Sunday were a special time for us to spend together. I came down into the kitchen, ready for my usual bowl of sugary cereal and an afternoon of cartoon watching with my dad.

"Sweetie, don't forget that we are going to the farm," my mom said with a sad smile. She looked very pretty with her hair curled, wearing her blue top. "So eat quickly and then go get changed."

"Okay," I chirped, carrying my bowl carefully towards the television in the living room.

"Diana, no T.V., you need to eat quickly," my mom scolded. She was rushing around the kitchen, gathering snacks for our trip it seemed.

"Sharky!" I yelled. He was the name of my favorite animated hero. My mother groaned and stalked over to the television, turning it on and switching it to the proper channel.

"Ten minutes," she said, giving me a stern look.

"Five minutes!" I said back, thinking I was negotiating a better time.

"Five it is," my mom said triumphantly.

My Dad wandered into the room, his eyes glued to his phone. "Dai sweetie you had a better deal before. Remember your numbers?"

"One two three four five six seven eight nine," I replied gleefully, smiling up at my dad.

"What comes after nine?"

I stared at him, unsure and confused as to why he was talking to me while Sharky was on.

"Daddy, shhh."

My father gasped slightly, looking over at my mom. "She just shushed me, Ann, your daughter just shushed me."

"You know better than to talk while Sharky is on," Mom snickered, handing my dad a bowl of cereal as well. "Car all packed?"

"Yup, just need the cooler and the kiddo," Dad responded, tucking his phone in his pocket to accept the bowl from his wife. "Did you remember the necklace?"

"Of course," Ann said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Do you think he can help her?" She glanced over at me, still glued to the television. "Keep eating Diana."

I shoveled a few more spoonfuls in my mouth, my eyes never leaving the screen.

"George helped us before," my dad reassured her. My mother sighed loudly, crossing her arms in response. "Hey, it will be okay, I promise."

"She wakes up screaming, every night Bill," she countered, glimpsing over at me, a sad look in her eyes. "And then there are those strange people who follow her, the last one tried to bite her!"

Bill wrapped his free arm around Ann, holding her close. "Hey, hey, you stopped him in time, she was okay."

"I just want it to end."

"I know."

The pair watched me for a few moments before returning to their packing. Eventually, my mother came over and turned off the T.V. and I cried out in protest.

"That was more than five minutes and you know it, young lady," my mom chided. "Now go put on the clothes I laid out for you."

"I wanna wear the star dress!" I cried out, holding my bowl out for my mother to take.

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