Chapter 41: I Will Be Reborn

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I had been deceived. Desperately I struggled as Alpheus smiled down at me, seemingly unworried about my attempts to escape. My ex-fiance had lured me to the observatory and I did not realize his evil intentions until it was too late. Now I was trapped here, held prisoner as Alpheus prepared for the completion of his spell.

"Release me!" I cried, pulling against the magical bonds that held me to the table.

Alpheus reached down, gently pushing a lock of hair away from my face as he shushed me. "Now, now. It will all be over soon."

"What are you planning?! Why would you lie to me?" I yelled. With my burst of emotions came a surge of lunar powers which were immediately dampened by the spells on my restraints.

"I don't believe I ever lied to you, my dear," Alpheus said with a chuckle. "Hm, maybe I did. But it was all for the greater good, trust me."

I let out a frustrated scream as he laughed, walking out of my field of vision. I felt so foolish for believing in him. Why didn't I realize?

Alpheus had changed since I last saw him, no longer the awkward but brash boy I knew. I cursed my luck, wishing I had just left as soon as I had cured Casimir of the darkness clouding his memories. I had just gotten my Casimir back and we were going to leave. Tears began to fill my eyes and I shook them off.

I finally had a chance to be with him and I let it slip through my fingers once again.

I glanced around at my surroundings, desperate to find some means of escape. All around me the giant elemental crystals began to glow and I could feel their power surging. They were larger than any other crystals I had seen previously and I was terrified as to what kind of spell they were used for. Alpheus was now outside the ring of crystals, standing on a platform with a sacred protection seal carved into the ground. He wasted no time in starting his spell, a dusty old book in his hand as he began chanting in an ancient language. I wished I had paid more attention in my lessons, perhaps then I would know what he was plotting.

The air around me grew thick and as I tried to yell for help I found my voice strangled. The elemental crystals were shining now, vibrating with unseen energy. A strange humming noise filled the room and Alpheus' voice grew louder as the wind picked up around me. I was growing sleepy and I struggled to stay awake, afraid of what might happen if I let myself succumb. All at once, a pain overtook my body and I screamed, my voice lost in the rush of the wind. Such agony I had never known before and it felt like my whole body was being ripped apart. I felt hot and cold all at once, my senses were set ablaze. From my body a strange silver mist began to rise, climbing high above me, swirling until it formed the faint image of a woman. I felt bereft, as I stared into her face and tears began to pool in the corners of my eyes. She seemed so familiar, like a long-lost dream. I wanted to reach out to her, to become one again.

Alpheus' chanting subsided and the winds died down. The spell was over yet I was still in pain. He returned to my side, eyes locked on the silver mist above me. I felt like my own eyes were deceiving me as his once silver eyes were now a bright blue. I was almost sure I was going mad with pain.

"Soon," he whispered, reaching up towards the mist. It recoiled from his touch, swirling almost angrily but never traveling far.

"What did you do to me?" I whispered. I could barely speak and each word felt like a knife stabbing the back of my throat. Alpheus just smiled coyly at me before returning his gaze to the silver mist.

"I won't bore you with the details. It would take too long to explain," he said quietly. "Only know that the spell is done and soon you will be as you once were. Soon everything will be right again."

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