A Talk With The Author / Book Club!

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Yeah yeah I️ ended this story about a year ago but I'm seemingly still getting new readers.


Hi! I️ created this last chapter as a way for people to express their thoughts and feelings about this book without y'all having to leave messages or DM me as to why I️ did or didn't do or why this happened and why this didn't happen.

In conclusion, this is a chapter where everyone can ask me questions if they have it after they finish the story. Express their thoughts about the book, their feelings and what not.

Nobody has to leave a comment or anything but it's here if you wanted to see say anything, if that makes sense.

You guys can ask me stuff, make theories, analyze the story, discuss favorite or least favorite moments and characters, shiddd you can even make constructive criticisms and what I️ could work on (CONSTRUCTIVE DOES NOT = RUDE. DO NOT TRY ME HOE!) so yeah :)!

I️ think the main questions I️ get besides "what happens after their story ends?" is, "why didn't Aaliyah get with Jackson in the end?" And I️ tried to express this through Aaliyah but idk if y'all got it, you know?

Not calling y'all DUMB. I'm just saying maybe my writing didn't translate the emotions and thoughts well 😭 I'm still learning bro.

But the reason Aaliyah and Jackson didn't immediately get together was because it was just too unrealistic (in a story that's already unrealistic LMFAO). Aaliyah has been dealing with Elijah for about two years. She has been fighting against her feelings about Jackson for five months, not to mention just found out her best friend was her biggest hater, just got her sex tape leaked, and on top of all that, she still has to make sure she graduates and passes her classes with all the damage that has been inflicted to her mental health.

I️ personally struggle with mental health so I️ know what it's like to be emotionally and mentally in pain while in high school. Aaliyah is 18, has just gotten out of two abusive relationships and simply just does not have the time nor the mental capacity or emotional capacity to care and love Jackson the way he deserves. My girl don't need a relationship, she needs THERAPY.

Jackson loves Aaliyah, and he understood that when he let her go. That's why he didn't get mad. Is he upset that he couldn't help her? Probably.

Both Aaliyah and Jackson have had a m tumultuous six months and they definitively had a "right person/wrong time" kind of relationship, which is...on brand for them (LMAO). Aaliyah needs some time to learn who she is and what she wants and if what she wants is Jackson, she'll reach out to him as he will reach out to her.


Another question y'all have is "what happened-"


I️ wanted to leave it open ended so y'all could imagine your own endings but if you wanna hear it from me, here's the jist of it:

Grace avoids Danny for the rest of their teenage years, even when their schools become integrated and they end up in the same school. Daniel and Grace are constantly bullied over their past relationship, to the point where Grace is actually sent to a new school. He sees her around, but realizing she was right, he leaves her alone because being seen together was too risky. They eventually graduate and Daniel goes to tech school to become a mechanic and Grace works for a while at her father's dentist office before meeting her future fiancée and marrying him due to pressure applied by her family. And then y'all know, that whole chapter happens where they meet again (they technically haven't seen each other in six years, making them roughly 22/23 when they meet again). They don't see each other ever again after that, because Grace's husband was in the military, meaning they moved around a lot. Daniel did eventually get set up with a girl that he got along with very well and eventually learned to fall in love again. He had one girl and one boy and Grace had three girls.

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