1950's - 4

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Grace never thought she'd be one of those girls.

The ones shamelessly playing backseat bingo in the car with their man. Drawing attention to their car during the movie at the drive-in. Interrupting the movie for those around them, if they cared enough. 

But her emotions around him went completely bonkers. She didn't know how to act, how to think, or even how to breathe. It was a miracle she could still talk to him in his presence, let alone kiss him.

They were supposed to be watching "Roman Holiday". But as soon as Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn shared a kissed, Danny surprised her with a kiss of his own. Initially hesitant to kiss him in such a public space, she soon gave in, kissing him back with as much passion as he was giving her. She broke the kiss after a while to continue paying attention to the movie, but he continued his assault on her check, jaw and neck, making her giggle. "Danny, stop," she stifled her laughter. "Watch the movie."

""I don't know how to say goodbye...." Audrey's character, Princess Ann, sobs. "I can't think of any words."

"Don't try," Gregory Peck sadly responds. They both give each other heartbreaking looks before embracing each other tightly, ending their hug with one final kiss. Ann continues crying in his arms, not wanting to let go. But the look on Joe Bradley's face says it all.

It's time to let go.

Ann gives him one final look before getting out of the car, walking into the embassy, never looking back.

"Oh my god...how heartbreaking," Grace breathes. Danny almost scoffed at her, but seeing how invested she was, he kept his mouth shut. But one look at the screen and he too, was into it. And she was right, it was heartbreaking.

But he won't let her know that.

"Gracie, we should leave now," Danny whispered. The movie was winding down, and to avoid getting caught, they needed to leave early.

"Just a few more minutes-"

"No Grace. We have to go now-"

"Danny boy!" He heard a voice boom. Grace gasped and before Danny could even think, he shoved Grace the floor of the car and got out, standing in front of the window. It was Johnny and his crew again. This time, accompanied by Cece, Valerie, and Cheryl as their dates. "Are you here alone man?" He asked, looking into the car to see nobody. "Well ain't that a bite. You should've came by us," he said, wrapping an arm around Valerie.

"I️ didn't know you like romance movies Danny," Cece walked forward, giving him a sweet smile.

Danny simply shrugged. "Not really but I️ wanted to cut out the house a while, you know?" He replied, trying to relax.

"Well, the next time you want to leave...with no plans," her hands now running down the length of his leather jacket. "Give me a bell," she purred, making him even more antsy.

"Right. I'll remember that," he nodded towards her, turning to get into his car, but she stopped him.

"You do still have my number, right? From last time?" She asked, making him freeze.

"I...I️ gotta hit the road. Getting late," he excused. "Later gator," he nods over at Johnny.

"In a while crocodile," he waves off.

Danny turns on the car and backs out, driving out of the venue without another hitch. "Grace? Grace you can come up now," he says.

She slowly peeks her head over from the back before taking a seat in the backseat. Danny slows down and parks on the side of the road so she could get out and move to the front. She was silent the entire time, which worries him. Who knows what was running through her mind.

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