Chapter 5 Bella P.O.V (rewritten)

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When I got to the Cullen's house everything felt like it was crumbling, around me and there was nothing I could do. I put my head on the dashboard and continued to sob harder than I had done before. 

Esme was waiting at the door as Edward led me into the house. I was instantly engulfed in a tight hug from the motherly woman, she whispered soft calming words into my ear that were barely audible over my sobbing, she guided me through the house, before taking me to the living room and sitting me down on the sofa, my head buried deep in her neck, she turned her head towards Edward and said something about making a hot chocolate before she pulled away, I whined slightly almost like a baby but was quickly quietened down by Edwards strong arms being wrapped around me. 

I continued sobbing  as Edward lifted me onto his lap and began gently rocking me and rubbing my arm "she'll be alright, Carlisle is taking care of her" I nodded my head slightly keeping my face buried deep into his chest as he kissed my head hushing me as if I were a crying baby 

I felt sick as my mind continued to spin, all I could think of was how life would go on without my sister, even though she was rarely by my side she always responded to my every letter until that fateful day. I don't know how long it had been since I left my sister's side, I had nestled myself further into Edward. He and Esme tried to encourage me to drink the hot chocolate or eat the biscuits that Esme had got me but I still ate nothing. Edward continued rocking me gently making me fall into a dream-filled sleep. 

I felt calm as I slowly emerged from the bright colours of my past, my eyes fluttered open and instantly locked onto Edward's bright topaz eyes, my head was rested on his legs I slowly sat up knocking the blanket from my body, Esme quickly came over to me with a tray of breakfast she gave me a tight hug and kissed the top of my head 

As I nibbled on my breakfast lost in my thoughts as Esme and Edward continued murmuring, I jumped earning a chuckle from both Esme and Edward, I looked over to Edward as he raised his phone to his ear. He stood and walked away, I went to follow but was quickly stopped by Esme taking me upstairs. I followed Esme around like a lost puppy as she helped me go through the clothes that Alice had bought me for their house, I had told her not to but ended up losing the argument as usual. 

Finally, in clean clothes, Esme took me downstairs to Edward who had his phone in one hand and my coat in the other, Esme gave me one last hug before she glided away, I often dreamed about what it would be like to have Esme as my real mum, she always gave me more attention the Renee ever did, I was taken from my thoughts as Edward helped me put my coat on "Edward what's going on" his yellow topaz eyes locked on mine as if he was contemplating telling me something 

"Come on" he extended his hand to mine expecting me to place my small hand into his cold one, I was not going anywhere with him until he told me what was going on, he caught my hand as I went to cross my arms, he took me to his Volo which was sat idly in front of his house "that was Carlisle, I'm taking you to your sister"  

What? Did this mean Hermione was alright? Was she dead? Should I have listened to Carlisle? I snapped my head to face Edward as I felt his thumb brush across my cheek "why are you crying" it was only now that I touch my cheek did I realised that tears had begun to flow down my face 

"I'm just worried about Hermione" I quickly whipped the rest of my tears as Edward pulled up in front of my house, Edward didn't have time to open my door before I flung open the car door and started running up the driveway, it felt like everything was going in slow motion as made my way from the front door to my sister. 

Carlisle stepped away from my sister's side and started cleaning up, hesitantly I made my way over to her side, I knelt where Carlisle was only moments ago, I felt sick to my stomach looking at her, blood covered her clothes and painted her skin. Even whist asleep, even with all the drugs her face still looked pained. I tried to keep away my sobs as I cupped her cheek in one of my shakey hands, it broke my heart to be able to feel her bones, I quickly retracted my hand to wipe my cheeks breaking the streams of tears, I kept my head down hoping that neither Carlilse nor Edward commented on the rivers formed on my cheeks, "will she be alright" I asked after several moments of silence and the silence that followed terrified me 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to face Carlisle, he opened his arms slightly prompting me to practically threw myself into his arms, I copied the rise and fall of his chest helping to stop the flow of tears "she will take a lot but she should be fine" I nodded in his shoulder as he rubbed his hand up and down my back soothingly "she is going to need a lot of rest, is their a spare room that she can sleep in" 

I nodded my head before in a shaky breath saying "upstairs, follow me" I slowly stood up and made my way to the doorway and I watched as Carlisle picked up my fragile sister before following I slowly walked up the stair and crossed the hall, I stade in compleat silence as I watched my sister be laid peacefully in the bed. 

This took me forever to rewrite, thank you for reading please vote and comment

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