Chapter 23 Carlisle P.O.V

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It was my first day off, that hadn't been in due to the sun since moving to Forks. Esme was painting and I was reading, when my phone went off. It was Edward, he explained that Hermione was injured and sick so I ran to my office to make sure that I had everything.

Edward came into my office holding Hermione in his arms. I went over, taking her of him, he was becoming overwhelmed with the lust for her blood. Bella was in shock after seeing her sister like this so I told Edward to take Bella into the living room.

She was dehydrated and clearly had not been eating. I checked her temperature to find she had a severe fever of 55C. I used towels of cold water to cool her down as I continued assessing her. She had reopened the stitching from her internal bleeding, as well as having several other cuts.

It took me several hours to close all her internal wounds, Bella walked in and over to her sister. I gave her a sympathetic smile, as she held Hermione's hand. Suddenly Bella dropped her hand and moved back her face full of terror.

I moved round to Hermione's left arm. There was a horrid scar that spelt 'MUDBLOOD' but due to her fall, there was a cut all the way through, crossing out the word. I finished closing all her injuries when Esme and Edward came in. I nodded in the direction where Bella was still standing. I burnt the bowl that had the blood-covered gauze in it.

There was not much we could do except keep an eye on her. Every hour I would check her vitals. I was about four in the afternoon and everyone was in the living room when my ears picked up a loud echoing heartbeat. Everyone looked around confused so I knew it wasn't just me hearing it.

I ran to Hermione, it was her heartbeat everyone could hear. Edward was sat next to Bella it must have been hell for him.

"I can hear her thoughts" he looked up at me

"What do you mean"

 "Her thoughts I normally can not hear them"

"She can not keep her shield up" I concluded. Jasper came in being careful not to get to close, her heartbeat got slower and quieter. He promptly left again.Edward looked troubled.

"Edward what is wrong"

"She, it, it is horrible" Bella's face when even more pail

"Edward you should get Bella home we do not what Charlie to worry" I was worried that she would faint if she saw her sister in this state any longer.

He nodded and guided Bella out of the room. I turned around and Hermione's face was twisted in grimace. I gave her a sedative and morphine, she quickly relaxed.

I saw scars across her face they were fading but they could still be seen with my eyes, the scars were down her back, it looked like she had been in a war. I left the room just as Edward came back and my phone started to ring.

"Dr Cullen" the voice at the end of the phone spoke

"Good Evening Cheif Swan"

"Is Hermione alright"

"She will be fine although she is still unconscious"

"Can you call me when she is awake"

"Of course"

"Thank you, Dr Cullen"

"Good night Cheif Swan" I hung up the phone and gave Edward a puzzled look.

He was leaning against the wall his hands resting on his knees.

"Do not ask" He said, I chuckled lightly and joined Esme on the sofa.

Everyone left for school as usual, except Edward who drove to Bella's house to make sure she was fine. Esme and I were stood next to Hermione.

"Why did she not tell anyone she was not feeling well," Esme asked as I planted a kiss her on the crook of her neck

"From what Bella has told me about her, she does not like to miss school and I have a feeling all her scars might make her self conscious" I indicated to the fact that she often wore long sleeves.

Esme glided over to the window seat and sat down "What do you think happened to her"

"I wish I knew" I looked at my wristwatch "I have to get to the hospital"

I did not finish work till five. Everyone was sitting in the living room, when I got in just as they had done yesterday they all had taken a liking to her, especially Alice. I went into my office and made my way over to Hermione.

Her fever had gone down and she was a little more hydrated. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, she squinted at the light and went to sit up but ended up letting out a whimper of pain.

"It will hurt to move for a few hours"

"What happened" she was clearly dazed

"You passed out on your way down the stairs" I responded as I continued to examen her "You have had bad head trauma, I need to make sure nothing too serious has happened. What is your name"

"Hermione Jean Granger"

"How old are you"


"How do you feel"

"Dizzy, tired and I hurt all over" I gave her a sympathetic smile

"I will let you get some rest" I turned to leave

"Will I be able to go back to school tomorrow"

"I am not sure it depends how you feel in the morning" her thrust for knowledge reminded me very much of my own.

Everyone went out hunting after Bella fell asleep, I chose to stay as I had gone hunting yesterday. I took the blanket from the end of the sofa and placed it on top of Bella before entering my office.

Hermione had gone pale, she was tense. I made my way over to her, she was clearly distressed. "Hermione it is fine, Hermione wake up"

Her eyes shot open as she let out a gasp of air. She was very stressed and scared. "Hermione do you often get these nightmares," I asked her


"How much sleep do you normally have"

"I do not know but even if I have sleep I am still exhausted"

"What are the nightmares about"

Hermione looked down trying to avoid my gaze, I turned to leave.

"In England" I turned back to face her "In England my adopted parents died, I nearly did."

"I am sorry that must have been hard for you" I left the room and waited for the others, I was not convinced that she was telling me the whole story

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