Chapter 54 Hermione P.O.V

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I felt light cold kisses as I started to wake up, not wanting this peace to end I kept my eyes shut. My smile betrayed me "I know your awake" more kisses found their way to my face "you have that meeting today"

"I thought I already had it"

"It must have been just a dream" I flung my arms around Alice "what's wrong"

"Nothing princess I should get going Minerva has never liked tardiness" I kissed Alice quickly on her cheek before going  to the bathroom to get on my robes "can you please stop looking at my robes like that"

"I am sorry otter you are incredibly unfashionable"

I fake insult "I will have you know in the wizarding world this is incredibly fashionable, I have got to take you to diagon alley and get you your own pair of robes"

"Otter you know how much I love you but if you ever get me to wear robes I will kill you" I laughed before I realise the time

"I got to go" and with one final kiss I disapparate to Hogwarts

I felt sick to my stomach as I made my way to Minervas office talking to Helena Ravenclaw. It was identical to my dream what if it was not just a dream.

"Good evening miss Granger"

"Good evening Minerva can I ask what this is about"

"Yes I want to hold a charity ball here and I want to invite people from school all over the world and need your help" I laughed as I let out the tension holding in my chest "also I have heard that you are dating and thought that you could invite her and her family"

"I can not hide anything from you, I would love to help" I would have to take all the Cullens shopping for robes. Alice and Rosalie are going to kill me.

"Hey princess" I announced my arrival to my little pixy princess sat quietly waiting for me

"There you are my Otter" I giggled at my new nickname "what was this meeting about"

"Minerva wants me to help her plan a charity ball and you are all invited"

I laughed at Alice clapped her hands "that is going to be so fun"

"Slight problem you are all going to have to were robes"


"Come on shopping in London I will let you drag me around shops after we get them"

"I love you but I will never be caught dead, wait" I giggled at the sudden confused curtain draped over her face "I shall never wear one"

"Please please please"

"We will ask everyone"

"Yes" I cheered

"I never agreed" Alice laughed

Everyone was sat on the sofa in the living room as I explained all about the ball "I think it is a great idea" Carlisle agreed

"Great why don't we all go to London and I can get you all robes for the ball" and with that, the plans were in the works.

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