Chapter 45 Carlisle P.O.V

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Esme had cuddled close to me on the sofa as we read, this was our favourite thing to do on a Saturday, all the children were out hunting so it was just Esme and I. Suddenly my phone started to ring, "it's Bella" I said as Esme's face quickly changed from confused to concerned, she loved Bella and Hermione as if they were her own children.

"Carlisle something happened to Hermione I... I... I..." Bella's voice was full of fear

"Bella take a deep breath and calm down, now what happened" I tried to remain calm

"Hermione she passed out and not waking up and she has a nose bleed she looks so week"

"I will be right there" I knew that Hermione's life could be in danger "Esme, can you please get my office ready somethings happened to Hermione" at full speed I ran to my car making my way to Bella's house.

I barely needed to knock on the door before it was flung open "she is upstairs" Bella sobbed, it broke my heart to see her so hysterical.

I could hear Hermione's heart beating uncontrollably fast, she was skinny and cold, I picked her up taking in her robes, all-black heavy and clearly made from expensive materials. I took Bella with me back home.

I ran up to my office and placed Hermione on the white table. I began the exam hoping to find a reason as to why she would pass out, malnutrition would be an obvious cause but through my years of being a doctor, told me that it is never that simple. I soon noticed that she kept twitching and screwing up her face.

I stayed by her side for hours, so had Alice tears that would never fall were all that was in her eyes they had quickly lost the happy glow that could lift a room. Jasper and Carry came in to comfort Alice, Jasper was successful in lowering Hermione's heart rate but she still stayed in her coma-like sleep.

I sat myself down at my desk making notes of everything, the scars that covered Hermione's body, that 'MUDBLOOD' scar, her robes nothing was adding up. Slowly the light-filled Alice's eyes as Hermione's opened. They shared a passionate kiss, Bella came in and embraced Hermione in a tight hug, Bella left only to come back a few minutes later with a box. "I need to tell everyone something"

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