Chapter 21

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Aarav's POV:

I was in my room lying on the bed after a good long shower staring at my mobile screen which was displaying the picture of the love birds.

We all want love. We all need love. No matter how much we push it away or pretend to deny ourselves of it, our hearts will always desire it.

Love and marriage was not an easy thing for Bhai but finally, he has found his soulmate. He has found the one who is making him a happy person...this is what love is..finding the person who brings out the best in you and eliminates the worst.

I was so angry with bhai because he didn't tell me that he got married. Yesterday, at night when we were on a call...I yelled out at him so badly. How can he get married in my absence??...I wanted to see with him when he was going to begin his most wonderful journey of life.

I decided that I'll not talk to him and not get influenced by his act. But as usual, I lost to him... I was lost to his love...his touch...his embrace for which I was craving for. He is the one for whom I can do anything just to see a heartful smile on his face.

The heartful smile which I saw on his face when he was with his bhabhi...the one who is making his soul happy.

"May I come in??" the voice from the door grabbed my attention

"From when did you start seeking permission to enter your son's room??" Straightening myself I questioned Maa

"My baby has grown up into a man I have to give him privacy" Getting into the room maa said and stood in front of me

Holding her by the shoulders I said "But Aarav will be still the same Aaru baby for his Maa"

The next moment Maa was hugging me with her head resting on my chest "You won't leave me like him na??"

"Your Aaru will always be with you" Reciprocating the hug I assured her.

Maa is worried that I'll go away from her like Bhai...for a few moments, she was in my embrace trying to get compensation for the pain of living away from both her kids who are meant to be her entire world.

She stepped back from my embrace whipping the tears and raised a question "Kaisa hai vo??"

I picked up the phone from my bed and pointing at the picture I replied "Khud hi dekhlo"

Taking the phone in her hand she started caressing Bhai's picture just as she is caressing him for real. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle the sob tearing its way loose.

Once again I hugged her close to me and caressed her hair trying to calm her down "Maa...please don't cry...Bhai would be upset if he'll come to know that you are crying for want him to get upset.. ha??"

She nodded and breaking the hug I made her sit on the bed and I sat on the floor opposite to her. Taking her hands in mine I consoled her "Don't worry Maa...Bhai is very happy there"

I didn't get a reply from her...she was still looking down at the picture.

"They look so cute together, don't they??" I said

"After many years I am seeing Arjun being so peaceful and happy....his eyes are the evidence of it...his eyes never lies" finally she spoke meeting her eyes with mine.

"It's all because of bhabhi...she is the one who is responsible for all this change over in Bhai's life...I am so happy that I can't even explain Maa...initially I wondered why Bhai got married so suddenly and didn't tell me about the marriage...I was worried that what kind of girl will be his wife...will she be a good partner to him...but when I saw them together assured me that ...Yes she is one for him and they are meant to be together" I exclaimed

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