Chapter 55

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"Do you really have no idea about this??"

"I am just doing what I am asked to do Bhabhi"

Aaru answered coldly and I was getting anxious

Right now we are going to Arjun's parent's house...

At night I got a message from Arun Baba ...he wants to meet me and Aaru will pick me up...

I replied to him saying I'll be coming ....

And then there was his next message that seemed like a warning bell to me

Do not let Arjun know about this

And next was the toughest job...

To convince my overprotective husband who is literally stuck to me like a piece of chewing gum...

Neither he was ready to allow me to  go to the hospital nor was he ready to leave to office

Giving the reason that he will work from home he was adamant about his decision and I didn't have much time to convince my Angry Bird...

In no option condition, I had to lie to him...

I gave the reason that I am missing Maa Baba so will visit them once...

He argued to accompany me and I strictly opposed saying he has a company to run...all the time he can't roam around me like a lovesick puppy...

Then too he was not convinced...

He was hell stubborn and so was I

Using all my fake innocence it took me an hour time to convince him...

Assuring that I will take care of myself and will keep calling him at every one-hour interval he was finally ready...

He drove to the office while I immediately messaged Aaru to pick me up...

And during the whole journey, I was getting clouded by anxiety as I lied to my husband and I don't know how would he react if he'll come to know about this...

The car halted in the portico and we stepped outside the car...

My heartbeat had speeded up its pace and without my knowledge, my palms started sweating and I was rubbing my palms against each other...

It was the first time I was meeting his parents and there was a certain nervousness within me...

Arjun is not on good terms with his parents and here I was meeting them without giving him the slightest hint...

And next, I felt Aaru's hands circling my shoulder and I looked at him while he said softly "Relax Bhabhi...It's your need to get tensed...I am there with you"

"Aaru...I lied to Arjun...I am scared" I said while rubbing my arms he explained "Don't worry...I'll take the blame on me"

Mechanically I nodded my head while he said "Welcome to your in-laws house Mrs Arjun"

A thin line formed my lips and we strolled further towards the main door...

Once I stepped into the living area Aaru began shouting "Maa...Maa...where are you" and my eyes fell on one of the tables of the living room...there was a beautiful glass photo was mine and Arjuns photo

"In the kitchen" a voice pulled me back and Aaru smiled at me saying "Let's start the home tour with favourite place"

While we were pacing towards the kitchen the strong aroma of various delicious dishes hit my nostrils and my mouth watered instantly and at the same time there was yelling "You can't even handle a single work Rama...leave it and go...clean the table"

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