Chapter 50

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Author's POV:

While Arjun was driving the car, Sona was sobbing silently like a small girl who had lost her favourite Barbie doll

Arjun was feeling bad listening to her hiccups but at the same time he found her even more cute knowing the reason for her baby crying

"Sonaaa...bachcha that's fine" he tried to console her caressing her cheek with one hand while the other one held the steering of the car...

But her sobs became louder and he was getting restless now...he can not halt the car as the car was running on main streets of night time traffic

Passing the water bottle to her he ordered in a bit authoritative voice "Sona stop crying and have water"

She nodded a no looking at her lap with her hiccups still going on

He was losing his cool with her unpleasant yet cute antics

Ignoring the traffic on the road he halted his car with a sudden break and that's when she looked at him with shiny pearls in her eyes

Maintaining an intense expression on his face he unscrewed the cap of the water bottle and positioned it in front of her mouth and ordered again "Drink"

She brushed off his hand and nodded a no again and he was pissed off now

But he had to handle his cute ghost...and that's what matters to him the most...he smiled in his lips looking at her baby face which had red turned due to nonstop crying

Again he positioned the bottle at her mouth and this time he pleaded her in his soft voice "Sona...Bachha Pleaseee"

Finally nodding a yes she began gulping the water while he caressed her head with the other hand

Gulping the water she wiped her mouth with the back of her palms and scrunched her nose at the same time and her sobs went silent

Feeling a relief he began driving towards their little nest while Sona moved close to him and rested her head on his shoulder hugging his strong biceps with her fingers

Adoring the baby on his shoulder he kissed her head and a lovely smile curled up his lips

The beautiful journey of babysitting with Siraj ended very soon

As Siya was completely recovered it was time to bid bye to the little bundle of joy Siraj❤

As promised to Raghav Siya...Arjun Sona fulfilled their responsibility to the fullest 

In the evening they reached Raghav's house to hand over the baby to their parents...

Siya was extremely happy to hold her baby and she cried out her heart pain at being away from her child

Badimaa (Raghav's mother) was happy to meet Arjun after a long and cooked everything according to his taste...everyone had a happy feast

Though both of them were smiling mechanically....emotionally they were sad because Siraj would not be with them anymore

Especially she was much more attached to him within a short period of time

At the time of sendoff...Sona and Arjun hugged Siraj close to their hearts and kissing him they bid bye to with a heavy heart

And as there was no one who could see her baby crying face she burst out in the car in front of Arjun

Soon they reached their destination and Sona stepped out of the car and rushed to her room leaving him behind in the car itself

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