Chapter 20

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"I want to go, Tyler. Please get me out of here. I don't want to be here anymore" I cry as I wrap my arms around his neck and shove my face into his shoulder

"Shhh" he whispered setting me on the bed, but I refused to let go

"Wait" I pull away with tears in my eyes


"I thought you were mad at me" he frowned his eyes together


I heard the girls clear their throat's before walking over and looking down at me. Marcy rushed in only seconds later with a box in her hand and the social worker close behind her. She went to grab my arm and I pushed myself into Tyler's chest

"I won't do it again" I whispered into his chest "I promise, I'm sorry"

"It's ok Grace, it's ok" he was sitting on the bed now hugging me and rocking me backward and fourth

"I-I just w-wan-t to go hom-e"

"Soon Grace, soon"

"I w-wanna g-g-o now" I pull away looking up at him

"Gracie, you got to stay here a few more days" Marcy gently picked up my arm cleaning the blood and wrapping a cloth over were the IV was

"P-plea-se" Tyler looked at Marcy, but she didn't budge


I was finally back in the bedroom that was given to me at Marcy's big home. I laid in bed with earbuds in my ears listening to a playlist of soft instrumental music, it was calming and I liked the calmness. I had already eaten dinner with Marcy and Ashley before coming up stairs, I was slowly falling asleep to the music. Then it was lights out.

I open my eyes to see the dark sky above me, there was so muck fog and smoke in the sky. I sit up looking around me, I was sitting in the middle of the roof that looked over a city. Standing, it was LA. Getting to my feet I look at the beautiful city that I had grow up in, well I grow up in the not-so-pretty part of LA, but it was home.

"Come back here girl!" I heard yelling and turned around from the city lights to see a girl running across the roof of a building towards my direction "Stop, we don't want to kill you!"

I looked towards the man, he'd never said those words before. The girl paused for a quick second and it was like she was looking into my soul before taking a run for the edge of the roof. I watched myself in slow motion jump forwards thrashing her arms and legs in the air.

I scream for her as she hit the edge of the building I was standing on. Time stopped and I just watched her hold on with a feared look in her eyes, she was looking at me. Time started again as I started running towards her, watching her struggle to maintain her grip scared me to death.

As I get to her I reach my hand down to grab her only from her hands to slip. I screamed again grabbing one of her hands keeping her from falling.

"Don't let go!" I yelled, but she only looked up at me

"let me go" was all she said and before I could say anything else her hand slipped. She once again began to fall, I was watching her fall to her death- I was watching myself fall to my death. I was re-living my almost death, again. I watch in horror as I hit the ground and my own blood leaked out of my body

I cry out as I lean on the wall of the building roof, looking down at the seen in front of me. How did I even survive that fall?

700 words


1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Same nightmare or maybe not?

3- Do you want to see Gracie and Tyler have a deep talk or Ashely and Gracie have a deep talk?


Republished date- June 23, 2021

~ TheDevil

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