Chapter 5

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I open my eyes to see the dark sky above me, little stars could be seen because of the fog and smoke. I sit up looking around me, I was sitting at the edge of a roof that over looked the big city of LA. Standing on my feet I look at the beautiful city that I grow up in, well I grow up in the not-so-pretty part of LA, but it was home. 

"Come back here girl!" I heard yelling and turned around from the city lights to see a girl running across the roof of a building towards my direction 

I tried to scream at her to stop once I realized that girl was me. Nothing came out of my mouth and by the time I was able to scream stop it was to late, she had jumped. I watched in fear as she flow through the air almost making it only to grab the edge. I watched her struggle to maintain her grip.

I throw myself forwards running to her as fast as my legs could take me, try to get to her, trying to save her. As I get to her I reach my hand down to grab her only from her hands to slip. I screamed as she started falling, it was like slow motion all over again. I was reliving my almost death, again. I watch in horror as I hit the ground and my own blood leaked out of my body

I cry out as I lean on the wall of the building roof, looking down at the seen in front of me. I should have died, I was supposed to die. Why did I have to live? Why?

I shot up in my bed breathing hard, I was having the same dream- nightmare -again. Sometimes it was different, but it was mostly always the same. I couldn't save myself, but I guess I did end up living after all. I wish I'd died that day, then I wouldn't be here dealing with the abuse.

Shakily I stood up and walk to my window peering out seeing it was still dark and there were no cars. Sighing I drag myself into my tiny closet changing into some baggy gray sweats and a navy blue sweatshirt that somewhat fit, but was very worn out. Before I put on the close I look down at my body to see dark bruises and old scars littering my body, I was ugly to say the least.

As I go to exit the house I look at the clock on the wall to see it six, I was going to be late to school if I don't leave now. Rushing down my long drive way I do a small jog like walk down the long dirt road that soon turned into pavement. Reaching town at forty past seven, If I don't hurry I was going to be very late. Running down the roads getting weird looks as my hood falls off my head, I make it to the school at the homeroom bell rings

I pull my hood up before anyone can see me and make my way inside with the rest of the students, Stopping quickly at my locker, kids disappearing into class rooms. With just a minute to spare I enter my history class, not getting a single look on my way to the back. Taking in the lessons for the next four periods, I reach lunch

I walk outside, the wind tugging at my hood threatening to fall if I don't told onto it. I rush behind two big oak trees that shielded me from the harsh wind. I sit down leaning on the bigger of the two trees pulling my book from my bag 'Chasing Lucky' It was one of my favorites. Before I could start reading I heard laughter and yelling coming in my direction.

"Damn this wind. My freaking hair!" I froze

692 Words

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- What are your thoughts on her nightmare?

3- When do you think Lisa and Jim be home?


Republished date- June 8, 2021

~ TheDevil

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