Chapter 10

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"Girls help, she won't let go" Marcy tried so hard to get away from my grip

"Hold on mom" soon they freed her hand and I started thrashing around again and shaking my head no wildly

"What's wrong with her"

"I don't think she likes the idea of us look her up" Marcy said while rubbing her wrist. I stopped and stared at her "See, she doesn't want us finding out who she is"

"Bu-" Ashley tried to speak

"Tell Nash to stop, we need her to calm down, and trust us" Marcy cut her off

"Ok" Ashley left getting her phone out

"Can you speak?" Is all I hear and I turn to Mesa, she had a soft voice that didn't sound right coming from her. I shook my head no. They shared a look

"she's mute" The nurse said

'I'm really not'

"Look Gracie" I looked back at Marcy "We're gonna remove the cuffs, please don't run. We just want to talk, Ellie go get me paper and a pen" she nurse left and Marcy started to unlock the cuffs. I sat up slowly

"Here" The nurse handed me the pen and paper

"Ok, firstly. Full name" Marcy said in a soft voice she always used. I started writing down my name

"Gracie Marsh Castoff" I flipped the book to face her

"Your middle name is Marsh?" Mesa asked shocked and I nodded lightly

"How old are you?" She was asking questions that were already answered

"Seventeen" I showed her

"Do you have any other family members?" I shook my head no. My real parents were dead

"How long were you treated like this?" It was Mesa who asked, I look at her

"Mesa, that was rude"

"Sorry" she squeaked. I look away and towards a window that looked out into the parking lot

"Sorry" Marcy said "What grade are you in?" I stared back at her, did I really want to tell her that? Maybe they'd figured it out

"I'm a senior" I slowly turned it to them

"Same grade as me" Mesa said shocked "Your so small" I nodded and looked down playing with the pen

"Let's get you some food, How's that sound?" I nodded slowly. I was kind of hungry, but I would only eat a little

Marcy helped me off the bed and we all headed out the room. Mesa went a different direction as her phone started going off, Marcy held my right arm lightly as we made it to the second floor. The elevator stopped and we walked out on the floor, walking through many halls we came to a stop outside some doors. They opened slowly and we walked through. It was a cafeteria, like at school

Marcy sat me down at a table in the back and the nurse sat with me as Marcy went to get me food. I hoped it was gonna be good food, I wasn't going to eat much of it, but I still wanted it to be good food. Not long after she came back with a tray of food, there was a muffin, apple, small salad, and apple juice. I could eat this. I reached for the muffin, it was chocolate chip. I haven't had one in so long

"Sorry it's not much, I just wanted to start with something small and light in case your stomach can't handle it" she knew, some how she knew that I couldn't eat much

"I'm gonna go get a water" the nurse stood up and walked away. The note pad and pen was in front of me and I grabbed it

"Thank you" I wrote and the slid it to her before continuing to eat my muffin

"Your welcome, look none of us are going to hurt you. We only want to help" she gently grabbed my hand and I flinched a little "I was abused when I was in foster care, it will get better. Look at me, I help people like you ever day. I just want to help" I nodded with light tears in my eyes

I had finished half the muffin and a little bit of the salad. I drank all the apple juice, it was nice having some real food in a way. Eventually I had to go back to the room, I had started getting dizzy and couldn't stand on my own. Once I was in the bed and had my eyes closed I heard Marcy leave. Sadly I only got a little bit of sleep, I just couldn't sleep much. The nightmares were to much and I felt unsafe

I know I'm supposed to feel safe here, but when I'm by myself I just couldn't feel safe. What if Lisa and Jim got out and come for me? I would surely be dead then. So many things ran through my head. Like maybe everyone was lying to me and they were going to kill me to get revenge on my parents for not paying their debt. What if they found out who I am? I mean I'm a nobody, but I was also ghost girl

900 Words

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Why is Gracie so concerned about people finding out who she really is?

3- How would you change up this book if you've read it before?


Republished date- June 14, 2021

~ TheDevil

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