Chapter 32

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"Noelle!" I grabbed her arm trying to get her up, I look back to see they guy Noelle has had stuck to her side -gone- 

"NO!" she ripped her arm from my hand "Go! Leave, save yourself"

"I'm not going to leave without you, I just found you"

"And I found you, but you need to save yourself" 

I used all my strength and moved her into the laundry room, the gun shots stopped. She was coughing up blood, I put presser on the bullet wounds. I could feel more tears wanting to fall

"I was already dying Gracie, I have cancer"

I sat there watching her die, she wanted to know everything about me before she died in my arms. The gun shots ended and everything was quiet, the guy never came back and I was all alone again. I cried holding Noelle's dead body in my arms

Finally I let her go and dragged myself out of the room and towards the front door, it was dark outside and none of the lights were on outside. I stumble out of the house as a small scream leaves my lips, I always hated death -I had seen so much of it. I sit on the front porch trying to contain myself

"Well, well, well" I look up and gasp as I see Cash standing in front of me "Took me some time but I finally found what I was looking for"

"W-what are you t-talking about-t?" I stutter using a pillar to stand up

"Well you of course, your the key to my revenge" He stocked towards me

Cash grabbed a hold of my arm and started dragging me down the road towards a car

"Thanks to some help from a gang in LA that was looking for the women you were with they helped me get to you as well" Cash was smirking widely as he opened the trunk of the car "Now be a good girl, we've got a long drive ahead of us"

With that he forcefully pushed me into the trunk. He slammed the door shut and I proceeded to scream and yell while crying as he drove to god knows where. Eventually my voice gave out and I ended up passing out.


I felt my eyes heavy as I tried to open them, when they did open I Turn my head slowly around to see I'm still in the dark trunk of Cash's car, the only thing is I don't know where we are. I went to move my hands only to find them tied together, I pulled at the tap and slammed my hands around.

"Help!" I called out "Somebody help me, please" I cried out

The trunk door was thrown open and a hand clapped around my mouth shutting me up

"God your loud, maybe I should put that mouth to some good use" They guy pulling me out of the trunk smirked. He had black hair and dull brown eyes

"Lancaster" My eyes snap to Cash who had his arms folded "Just grab the girl and take her inside"

"Yes boss" 

Cash's phone started going off as I was dragged into the warehouse that was dark and terrifying. This Lancaster guy roughly set me in a chair that was sent in the middle of the warehouse under one single light, this was completely terrifying

I was tied up to the chair and left by myself where I screamed till my lungs went dry. I screamed for Tyler -I don't understand why I screamed for Tyler- but I wanted him to save me. I felt myself breaking with each scream


"He'll be here soon my little ticket" My eyes burned as I glared at Cash

"W-why do you want-t revenge on T-tyler so bad-d? What did-d he e-ever do to y-you?" I stuttered in hiccups

"All will be revealed when he gets here" Cash ripped a piece of duck tap off and placed it on my mouth "Now stay quiet. I don't need the people questioning why there is a screaming girl"  


680 words

There is only three more chapters until this book ends. I'm real proud of myself and the re-write of this book. 

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Was Cash working with Gracie Grandfather?

3- So Noelle died - Thoughts?

4- What would you say to me making a book about Noelle's life?


Republished date- August 14, 2021


~ TheDevil

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