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THUNDER LIGHTS THE DARK streets as you exit the self-driving taxi. The Detroit side-street is mostly empty despite the noise coming from the nearby bar. You analyze the bar's front just as your self-driving taxi speeds away.

"Jimmy's Bar", it reads, and the building looks ready to collapse any moment. Judging by the infrastructure, the building is unsafe for human inhabitance.

But considering it's in the heart of Detroit's slums...

You file the information away for later when you have time to make a report.

Walking with even, calculated movements, you step toward the bar's door and pause for a moment. There's a no Android sign plastered on the front, right next to a sign banning dogs. You pause.

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AND              DET.             SUMMERS

Ignoring the sign, you open the door quietly and step into the bar.

Eyes shoot toward you and your LED whirls yellow as you process your surroundings. 

Despite the noise, Jimmy's bar is actually quite empty and it seems the only patrons spending their time in the bar are middle-aged men. You scan their faces... As your system predicted, most of the patrons in the bar have a long list of crimes they've committed.

What's a Lieutenant and Detective doing spending their time here? Your LED processes the information.

You walk a little ways further into the building and finally locate your targets.

Two men lean against the bar (Jimmy's Bar's bar) with a drink in both of their hands. Upon closer inspection, you easily identify them.


Lieutenant Hank Anderson stares into the bottom of his whiskey glass, almost as though he's looking into a different world. His eyes are especially blank for those of a human's and he looks tipsy -- but not drunk enough that he can't work.

"Lieutenant Anderson," You say, your eyes focused on the side of his face.

You glance toward the other man, "Detective Summers. You're both needed at a crime scene, a murder investigation."

Detective Connor Summers glances towards you, his eyelids droopy. He seems considerably tipsier than the Lieutenant and his alcohol blood content is 2% higher than what is legal in Detroit for somebody to drive.

Met by their silence, you straighten your tye robotically.

"My name is Y/N, I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife to aid in this investigation."

Neither of them responds. Lieutenant Anderson seems content in staring at the bottom of his glass and Detective Summers hasn't stopped staring at you for the past twenty-two seconds.

"I looked for you both at the station," you began, "but nobody knew where you were. Captain Fowler suggested you might've been at a nearby bar. I was fortunate enough to find you at the third one."

The Lieutenant does nothing to respond to you but Detective Summers opens his mouth slowly like a fish on land gasping for water.

"You're an Android?" his eyes are unfocused as he speaks, almost like he's looking through you instead of at you. He hiccups and turns his head back towards the Lieutenant. "You got an Android, Pops?"

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