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WHITE SNOW CARPETS THE ground of every road that you pass, thick, fluffy, and beautiful as it glows beneath the light of the lamp posts. You admire how it shines and glimmers, fascinated by the snow even if it isn't relevant to your mission.

Hank's driving this time and he has a place in mind. 

If you had to guess where he's driving you and Connor to, you'd suggest a place for Hank to get drunk at. After all, he found an old bottle of whiskey in Connor's trunk back at the Eden Club and has been holding it ever since.

It's clear to you that he wants to forget something, but what?

He pulls into a parking lot with a screech and puts the car in park.

You look around. Snow is everywhere, glistening prettily. Hank has taken the three of you to a children's park next to Ambassador's Bridge and you can see a playground that's been snown over.

The Lieutenant exits the car abruptly, bottle in hand, and you watch him as he makes his way over to a bench overlooking the river.

Connor sighs from where he sits and rubs his face. "He's not doing too great," he mutters to himself. "He's gonna get drunk and then go to Jimmy's afterwards, I'd bet money on it. 'Course he doesn't listen to me... He'd rather slowly kill himself..."

"The two of you seem to have a close relationship... Why is he ignoring your concerns?" you ask seriously.

Connor looks at you through the rear-view mirror and sighs. "I really don't know, Y/N."

Without another word, he steps outside of the car and follows after Hank. He takes a seat next to him on the bench and you watch from the car as Hank stares into the distance, blankly.

"I suppose I'll join them," you tell yourself quietly and exit Connor's red Hyundai. As you step out, the snow crunches beneath your black shoes and you enjoy the way it feels. It's like walking across a bowl of ice cream.

Humming quietly, you make your way through the deserted park and toward Connor and Hank.

Snowflakes catch in your hair and one even lands on your nose! You freeze, staring at it with wide eyes as it melts against the warmth your biocomponants produce. Fascinating...

"Nice view, huh?" Hank mutters. Both you and Connor turn to face him. "I used to come here a lot before..." He shuts his mouth and takes a drawn-out sip from the bottle of whiskey he stole off Connor.

Connor keeps silent, but you can see that he's upset. He wears a serious, somber expression as he looks at the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" you say.

Hank puts his bottle down and sighs, "Do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you?"

You ignore him. Instead, you say, "I saw a photo of a child...on your kitchen table. It was your son, right?" ⍌

"Yeah... His name was Cole."

Hank takes another big gulp of whiskey, a pink flush appearing on his cheeks.

You remember Connor's concern back in the car and the hurt on his expression as he thought about Hank's slow and steady suicidal tendencies. A question pops into your head and although you don't know if it's the right thing to ask, you do it anyway.

"Why are you so determined to kill yourself?"

Hank stares ahead of him but his eyes are unseeing. "Some things, I just can't forget... Whatever I do, they're always there... Eating away at me... I don't have the guts to pull the trigger... So, I kill myself a little every day..."

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