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AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey!! i'm so so sorry for the long wait. i haven't updated this book in literally 9 months but i made a promise to myself that i'd finish it one day, so here i am! 

on that note, my writing style has absolutely changed and it's been a long, long time since I've had the plot at the front of my mind, so please expect some inconsistencies (especially since my laptop with all of the info on this book was broken during the floods sometime in February 2022 which is why i stopped updating D:). anyway, i hope you guys enjoy!!

also quickly, I'm not gonna lie, i haven't proofread this as much as i usually would so i really am sorry for any mistakes!! my brain is super super fuzzy and cottony from my new meds, but i don't wanna leave you guys hanging any longer!


THE MARCHING OF FREED Androids fills the snowy roads, a cacophony of noise so loud that it is nearly deafening for your audio processors. Behind you, walking in sync is an army of Androids all dressed in typical Cyberlife attire.

And just like Markus, you're their leader.

They follow after you like ducklings bonded to their mother, not questioning a single command you gave them. This sort of power is strange ━ throughout the past few months of everything happening, you never once thought you'd be aiding in a revolution. It's almost surreal to you, how only a few weeks ago you were still a robot, obeying without question, and now you're a horrible thorn in Cyberlife's side.

Not too far ahead of you is something that causes your thirium pump to pick up in speed. Now, you stand just outside the recall center where you can see many of your people have suffered.

Blue blood stains the ground and there's a ring of human army officers nearby. But in the midst of it all stands Markus with North, Josh, and Simon by his sides. It takes you another two minutes to get close enough to see them clearly, and as soon as they notice you, Markus begins walking in your direction.

From behind him follows his own army ━ admittedly much smaller than yours, but filled with Androids who are determined despite the unimaginable things they must've seen.

A huge smile splits across your face, "You did it, Markus! You actually did it!"

"We did it," he says, so earnestly that you can't find it in you to tease him for his cheesy wording. "This is a great day for our people. Humans will have no choice now, they'll have to listen to us."

Snowflakes lazily meander down from the sky, descending down on you and your fellow Androids like confetti, a congratulation for the hard work you've all put into this revolution finally paying off. Many sprinkle themselves through Markus' short hair and graze his sharp cheekbones.

This nearly feels like a dream. Especially with what happened back in the Cyberlife warehouse, with Connor. You feel like things can't possibly get better.

You nod once and step to the side so that the Androids behind you can get a clear view of their leader. It just feels right this way.

North steps up to his side and flashes a wide smile. It's such a friendly expression for the Android that you're a little surprised ━ given her attitude when it comes to dealing with you, you never would've guessed her to be the smiling sort.

"We're free," she says quietly, and her words are nearly lost over the whistling of the wind. "They want you to speak to them, Markus."

You glance down at the snowy ground, suddenly feeling as though you're intruding on a private moment. A lot must've happened between the time you last saw Markus. Suddenly, it hits you that Sorrel isn't standing near him. And that knowledge is a little alarming.

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