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CONNOR BRINGS HIS CAR to a halt with a screech and looks out the window, a nervous frown on his handsome face.

Across the road, bright pink and purple lights strobe brightly in the dark. Rain streaks through the sky and it creates a unique blurring effect with the strobe lights. The Eden Club looks suspiciously empty for a sex club (even on a Monday night) and you notice a few security guards standing out front.

"Aw..." Hank groans and looks outside his window. "Feels like someone is playing with a drill inside my skull... You sure this is the place?"

You nod, "It's the address on the report."

"Right... Okay... Let's get goin'..." Hank opens his door and clumsily leans out. His head clips the roof of his car and he grimaces, "Jesus."

Connor snorts and clambers out of the driver's seat. He makes his way over to your door and opens it up for you. His politeness never fails to confuse you... Hastily, you exit the red car and make your way over to where the Lieutenant stands in front of the club's entrance.

Eden Club, reads the sign in neon-pink cursive.

You stare up at it with curiosity as Connor joins you by your side.

Hank walks toward the holographic electrical tape blocking the entrance off, "Sexiest Androids in town... Now I know why you insisted on coming here, Y/N." He walks through the tape and you're left staring after him, puzzled.

"I insisted on coming here because of the case, Lieutenant," you say with your eyebrows furrowed.

Connor sighs helplessly, "Hank. Stop teasing her!" he whines and follows after the chuckling Lieutenant quickly.

You follow after them silently, your shoes clicking against the sleek tile floor. Sensual images of lips and lingerie-clad women are projected on the walls by either side of you with the words "Sexist Androids in town" printed on them.

While you don't understand the appeal of the images, you can appreciate the bright colors. They're very pretty.

The black door at the end of the entrance slides open and reveals to you a hallway of Androids standing in clear, glass tubes. They pose attractively in the clear cases and each of them wears very minimal clothing,

The women are dressed in bras and underwear meanwhile the men only wear underwear. These Androids have genders, so you don't feel the need to refer to them as its. You scan them, taking note of the information listed on the side of their case -- along with their hiring prices.

Connor seems uncomfortable. When you look over at him, you notice that he doesn't seem too sure where to look.

Meanwhile, Hank is staring determinedly ahead of him like he's on a mission to walk away from the scantily-clad Androids.

The three of you walk a little further through the hallway and a second sliding door opens with a whoosh. Now, you can hear faint music playing from a stereo further down the club -- it sounds like sensual disco music, a genre you didn't recognize until now.

In the front of the room is a metal pole and stand with an Android dancing around it. He sends you a sultry smile and you stare back at him, robotically.

He has medium-tan skin, a thick head of golden hair, and mischievously-glinting green eyes. There's something about him that reminds you of Connor, but you can't pinpoint it...

It's not that you're looking at him in the same way a human would be looking at him, with lust, but you're fascinated by his movements. The way he dances around the pole is very interesting -- after all, some Cyberlife scientist spent hours programming his predecessors to learn how to do that.

"Y/N? The fuck are you doing?" Hank calls and you look over at him only to notice that he and Connor have nearly left you behind in the section.

"Coming, Lieutenant."

Connor gives you a strange look as you near him. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pinched. He seems confused and mildly annoyed, but you're not sure why. Is it because you're wasting time?

Hank looks between the two of you nosily before turning to the Manager and another Detective.

"You're not gonna take my license, are you? I mean, ha, I had nothing to do with this!" stammers the Manager, his eyes blown wide with panic.

"The investigation's ongoing, sir, I can't tell you anything for the moment," responds the Detective before he notices Hank, "Hey Hank!"

"Hey Ben. How's it goin'?"

"It's in that room there," Ben nods at the occupied room, "oh... And, uh... By the way, Gavin's in there too."

Connor groans, "Great."

"A dead body and an asshole, just what we needed..." Hank adds. He sighs and moves to the room's door. It opens for him, revealing a vast room with red walls, carpeted floors, and a large bed in the middle.

Sprawled out on the bed is a dead body of a man with red silk sheets covering his naked body. And next to the bed, on the floor, is an unworking Traci model Android that he must've rented.

Detective Reed looks over his shoulder and smirks at the three of you, "Well if it isn't Lieutenant Anderson and his asshole sidekicks, the fuck are you doin' here?"

Hank grits his teeth and looks around, forcefully ignoring Reed's attempts of infuriating. Surprisingly, though, Connor is the one angered. He crosses his arms across his chest, grits his teeth, and sighs slowly through his nose.

You can see that he's trying to keep his composure but-

"For Christ's sake, Reed," Connor curses. "What do you think we're doing? Use your brain. We're not here just to see your annoying ass."

"Fuck yo-"

Hank glares at Reed venomously, "Don't even start-"

"We've been assigned all cases involving androids," you say, quickly breaking the rising tension radiating from all three men.

Reed's partner, Officer Chris Miller, sighs gratefully.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're wasting your time," Reed turns to the dead body laid out on the bed and smirks, "Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle." Reed bursts out into laughter, amused by his words, and you stare at him confusedly.

No one else laughs which clearly indicates his joke hadn't landed. Why is he so confident, then? You frown and turn to study the corpse. It looks like a murder to you...

"We'll have a look anyway if you don't mind," Hank says, sarcasm clear in his voice.

Reed Nods at Officer Miller, "Come on, let's go... It's uh..." He stares at Hank, his face pulled into a sneer, "starting to stink of booze in here..." And with that, he barges his shoulder into Hank's and Connor's.

"Night, Lieutenant, Detective," says Officer Miller, seeming apologetic.

They disappear from sight.

"Fuck I hate him," growls Hank, voice so low he nearly sounds like an animal.

Connor nods, "Trust me, I know... He's a damn weasel."


You ignore the duo's conversation and study the corpse. "It doesn't look like an accident..."

"I know," responds Connor, "it's a very neatly-wrapped gift for the DPD, don't ya think? A little too neat, maybe?"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: dont worry yall daily updates are gonna continue!

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