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Three weeks have now passed. We haven't done anything about our situation yet as we are planning to soon. The plan is to train my men even more to ensure we are ready for a battle if needed. Once we have them all trained to the highest possible level, we will gather all the ammo and weapons we need to go to the warehouse and wait for them to return to their base.

Right now I was sat with Leo playing cards.
" what do you think of Mia ?" I asked him. I haven't had the time to talk to anyone about her. Leo is the one I trust the most.
" I love her. She is the best thing that's happened to you Alessandro. I know at the start I wasn't on board, I believed she was weakening the mafia but now the passions back. It's as if a fire that burnt out a long time ago has been re lit. "
I smiled at his kind words. I'm glad they liked Mia too.

I was sat in my room, sorting out all my clothes. I was standing folding a T-shirt when I felt a bit dizzy. A wave of nausea rushed over me. I ran to the bathroom and managed to get to the toilet just in time. I sunk down to the floor after I had been sick. It must of been something I've eaten.
I carried on sorting my clothes and luckily I wasn't sick again.
Later on Leo and I spent some time together while Alessandro did a few things for the mafia. Leo and I had grown a lot closer.
" what do you want to watch Mia ? " Leo asked me
" it has to be a Disney movie "
" okay okay I agree but what one?"
" finding Nemo" I shouted with excitement. To my surprise Leo screamed back in excitement.
" I love finding Nemo" he said as he passed me the popcorn.
I took a handful and shoved it in my mouth. While he was searching for finding Nemo on the tv I took another handle and threw it at him.
Popcorn went all down his clothes, in his hair, ears and all over the floor.
" MIA" he screamed my name as he picked up the whole bowl and emptied it on top of my head. It was as if the sky was raining popcorn.
I got up and chased him around until I had him cornered. I tackled him lightly on the sofa and he admitted defeat.
" okay, okay I'm out " he said out of breath.
Alessandro walked in with a big smile on his face.
" hi" I said as I walked over and kissed him.
" are you hungry? " Alessandro asked me.
" oh my god yes "
" I'll make us all something "
" only if you're sure "
" positive " he said as he walked into the kitchen.

About 10 minutes later I walked into the kitchen. As soon as I opened the door a waft of meat filled my nose. The smell made me want to be sick. I gagged but managed to keep the sick down.
I walked back out the room before Alessandro could see.
This could mean...

End of chapter!!
AHHH, I have had so many reads guys and I'm so happy. I just want to say thank you to all of you. Remember to like a comment. It's helpful leaving comments!

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