The end to a perfect night

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I was sat next to Alessandro in the back of the car. We were being driven back from the ball. I leaned against his shoulder, exhausted from the events of tonight. Neither of us have spoken about the words we uttered. The forbidden words.
His fingers ran through my hair, instantly calming me and making me shut my eyes. His hands traveled down to my stomach and protectively rested his free hand over it. I smiled in delight. Even though he won't admit it, he's becoming attached to his babies already.
" did you mean what you said ?" I asked him with my eyes shut.
" Mia, I would never say anything I don't mean ." He told me as he used his hand to sit me up right so I could see him.
" but you're not meant to be in love." I told him. I know I was questioning him however I felt like I needed to. I needed to know everything before I put all my heart into him.
He rubbed his forehead with his hand frustratedly.
" I know Mia. Do you not think I know that? I have tried so hard to stop loving you! But I just can't. Every time I see your perfect face, and your ocean eyes staring at me, I melt. My whole body feels like it's on cloud nine. I didn't want to fall in love with you Mia. When I first saw you I was instantly drawn to you, yet I distanced myself from you. Well I tried, but when I saw your dad hurting you I couldn't just stand and watch. I felt like I needed to protect you. Seeing you with other men made me mad. Days where i lay in bed angry that you weren't beside me.
I am madly in love with you Mia. More than I ever thought was humanly possible. " suddenly feeling the urge to kiss him, I interrupted his sentence and hungrily kissed his lips. He hungrily kissed back, as he fought with my tongue. Of course, like always he won. His tongue took over my mouth, making every corner of it his. My hands roamed his hair and down his body. I couldn't get enough of him.

As we pulled away, Alessandro shouted to the driver to stop at a place instead of going back home. I looked at him confused however he wouldn't tell me. After around 10 minutes the car came to a stop. The door opened revealing the black night and a forest.
" where are we ?" I asked
" you will see " he told me as he grabbed my hand and we walked into the forest.
Alessandro carried me as my feet ached. After what felt like a life time we arrived in front of the most picturesque place I've seen.

" do you like it " Alessandro asked as he sat me on the edge of the pontoon

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" do you like it " Alessandro asked as he sat me on the edge of the pontoon.
" I love it " I said to him as he sat next to me.
He comfortingly put his arm around me.
" what made you bring me here ?" I asked him.
" I wanted to show you this place. I always said when I was younger I would take the most special person to me here so that's what I'm doing" he told me as he kissed my cheek. He sent shivers down my spine with everything he did.
" why is it special?" I asked him
" somewhere I would come to get away. My mother and father didn't get along well. My father used to beat her. He taught me to be strong. He taught me to be the man I am today. However I watched my mum suffer. This was where I would come if I needed some time to think. " he told me.
The familiar pain in my heart accrued at the thought of knowing what it's like to watch your mother be beaten.
" speaking of my mother and father, we will go and see them tomorrow if that's okay with you ?" He asked me concerned.
The thought of meeting his parents scared the crap out of me but oh well!
" yeah sure " I told him.
He smiled thankfully and I rested my head back on his shoulder. The familiar scent of his intoxicating aftershave filling my nostrils, making my hormones go mad.
I started to shiver as the night got colder. We didn't have anything else to use for warmth so Alessandro suggested going back. I agreed as I didn't want to get Ill.
We both jumped back into the car and we were driven away back home.

I couldn't stop smiling. This girl made me strong.
I stared over at her lovingly as she slept on my lap. The way she looked so peaceful, made me smile with joy.
Once we pulled up out the front of the house I gently carried her out the car and walked upstairs to the bedroom. I took of her dress and put her in comfy pyjamas. She murmured a few times but I told her it was okay and to go back to sleep and she did. I gently placed her down into the mattress and I climbed into bed next to her.

Tomorrow I'll see my parents.

End of chapter!!

Thank you for all the reads. I never thought this would happen! Thank you to everyone commenting and voting! I love you all.
Sorry this is short but I just wanted to publish something for you guys!

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