Memories of you

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I was on the cold bathroom floor with my phone no where in site.
Why was I here ?
The pounding on the door matched my pounding headache.
Constant pounding.
Suddenly the door was kicked down.
Revealing a black figure.
" please don't " I screamed.
But that didn't mean anything.
The figure started to move closer.
The figure decided to pull of the balaclava.
It can't be.
"Dad?" I asked shocked
" Mia baby"
" no. GO AWAY. IT CANT BE " I shouted and shouted.
" oh but it is. Nice to see I'm going to have a grandchild. " he told me as he came over and poked my stomach.
" LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed as I backed up against the wall away from him.
" oh but Mia. You're coming back home now. Where you belong" my father told me.
" NO" I screamed.
I screamed. Hoping somebody would hear me.

there was something so comforting about watching her sleep. They way her chest fell up and down peacefully.
But suddenly things weren't so peaceful.
I was scared this would happen.
She started screaming.
It tore my heart apart.
" Mia" I said comfortingly as I reached out and stroked her hair.
It was no use she kept screaming. Shouting words I couldn't quite make out.
" baby, you're okay. Come on it's just a dream" I told her trying to wake her.
It was no use.

I opened my eyes gasping for breath. sweat was dripping of my forehead.
Bad dream.
Alessandro was stroking my hair as he muttered sweet things to me as I gasped for air. As soon as he saw I was awake he enveloped me into his arms.
" baby" he said as he stroked his thumb over my head. He planted hundreds of mini kisses on my head.
" shhhhh" he told me as we rocked back and forward slightly.

It's strange. There is something so comforting about him.
Something so unexpected from the top mafia leader.

Something I knew for sure is that he would love these kids.
He would love the babies.
And that was all I needed to know.

36 weeks
2 weeks later

Security has been storming the house the last two weeks but now it's starting to die down again. Alessandro and the men managed to finish the training here to save them flying back out. They keep taking day trips out to the base however it's only 10 minutes away so they are never far away if I need them.

Everything seems to be going well.
The babies are doing well.
Alessandro and I are doing well.
And I'm coping with everything.

Now I'm just sat watching tv.
It's not as if I can do anything else.

Alessandro and his men had all just gone out leaving me home alone again for the third time this week.
Saying I didn't mind would mean I'm lying.
It slightly bothered me.
However I knew he had things to do.

I was watching frozen when the front door went.
" I'm in the lounge " I shouted.
Suddenly a figure came and stood in the doorway.
Oh fuck.
It wasn't Alessandro .
Nor was it his men.
Before I could do anything he pulled a gun out.
" please don't "
" just follow me " the guy said as he walked over and grabbed my arms.
He was holding me so tightly I could feel his fingers digging into my skin.
He hurried me out the door and chucked me into the car.
There was no point trying to fight as I knew he would only shoot me.
Once he slammed the car door on me and put a blindfold on me, he drove away.

All I could see was darkness.
It was chilling.
I missed Alessandro.
When can we just have happiness?

A little while later I could hear the car coming to a stop. Suddenly I was being dragged out the car and carried to a cold building. As soon as we entered the cold smacked you right in the face.

Alessandro Where stories live. Discover now