Mascarade ball part two

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As soon as the man said his name was Julian, I wanted to run. Not I wanted to, I needed to. Alessandro was telling me before we got here about this man. He called him " sniper " as his nickname. Men never get involved with him as he always turns on his own people. He's known for killing people in the most brutal and long ways possible. Apparently in the past he's had 8 different wives, each and everyone he killed with his own bare hands.
I knew that him talking to me meant I could be the ninth.
Once he said his name, I remained calm as I didn't want him to suspect anything was wrong.
" Nice to meet you. I'm Mia " I told him as I took a sip from my drink.
" and why are you all alone. Someone as pretty as you should never be left alone " he said in a low voice as he sat down on the bar stool next to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
" I'm fine here on my own " I told him. I wanted him to know that I can cope on my own. Anyway, sometimes you need some alone time anyway.
" well now I'm here anyway. " he told me. It was as if he was trying to be comforting. The mother fucker can't read emotions, I'm not upset.
I sat there not wanting to take anymore of his bullshit yet at the same time I had to be careful as I didn't want to get myself killed.
" my date will be back soon anyway " I told him.
" a date ? " he asked confused.
" yes " I told him blankly. Not giving a flying fuck about what he felt.
" and who is this date ?" He asked. I could hear him become interested.
" Alessandro " I told him as I took a sip of my lemonade. I crunched on a piece of ice from the drink as he sat next to me processing what I said. Crunching ice was another pregnancy craving lately.
" well baby. You don't need him anymore. I'll make you feel real special." He told me as he placed his hand onto my thigh.
Instead of playing badly and possibly getting myself killed, I decided to play along a bit so I could get away.
" well, I'll find out later if you do make me feel real special " I whispered in his ear as I touched his lip with my index finger. I took his silence as the perfect time to escape. I confidently walked away, trying to find Alessandro.
I searched the big ball room for what must have been  15 minutes yet I couldn't find him. I took out my phone from my pocket and texted him.
" hey, where are you ?" I sent him.
To my surprise he replied instantly with.
" I'm at the bottom of the staircase " he texted me.
I made my way to the big stair case, excited to see him again.
As I approached him he held out his hands ready to embrace me.
" are you okay" he asked me as he ran his hand through my hair and held me close.
" yes I'm fine " I told him as I sighed in relief that I was back with him.
he leaned into my ear and whispered " are the babies okay too"
My heart started to melt at this.
" I think so " I told him.

Pulling me out of this perfect moment was the sound of the microphone being tuned on. Alessandro and I both turned to the stage and saw a man in a all grey suit speak into the microphone.
" ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today. " he spoke earning a round of applause from the audience.
" now I'm very excited to announce that we will be starting the annual games! " as soon as he said this I guessed that it was the traditions that Alessandro was telling me about in the car. I could feel
Him shift in hesitation next to me.
" now, Karl t" he announced.
I looked around the ball room looking for this man called Karl.
" you may go first. Come up on stage " the man welcomed him.
After the round of applause, Karl was standing on stage next to the man. He seemed to like the attention he was getting as he had a big smile on his face.
" did you bring a date with you today?" The man asked him .
" yes I did , her names Louise" Karl said happily.
" get her up here " the man ordered.
A small blonde petite girl walked up on stage. She stood next to Karl happily.
The man indicated for her to take a seat so she did. A single chair was just in the middle of the stage. Well that was odd.
" kill her " the man ordered. He was emotionless. When he said those words a small smile even spread across his lips. I gasped in surprise and horror about what the man asked Karl to do. Nobody else seemed shocked.
I turned to Alessandro ready to question what was happening.
" Alessandro what's happening ?" I asked him
" it's a tradition. Random men get picked out and have to show their power and dominance by killing their date/ wife. "
My mouth fell open in complete shock. What kind of sick tradition was this!
Before I could ask another question the man on stage continued.
" come on Karl, do it" he persuaded.
The small blonde girl was hysterically crying. Karl stood looking annoyed. Annoyed that she was scared.
Without wasting another second, he raised his sword up into the air and in a flash swung it down towards her head.
Before he strikes her with it, I looked away and Alessandro covered my eyes with his big hands.
Suddenly her screams stopped.
Alessandro whispered in my ear " it's okay now baby, you can look"
I took his hands of my eyes and looked towards the stage. Karl was covered in blood from head to toe. I'm guessing he was in shock as he just stood there with the bloody sword in his hands.
The man in the grey suit dragged him off the stage as he gave him a pat on the back.
Many men in the crowd were cheering him.
The man in the grey suit returned to the stage.
" what would happen if he didn't do it ?" I asked Alessandro.
" kicked out the mafia. Maybe even killed. Refusing to do it, shows weakness and in the mafia they don't accept that. " he explained to me.
I gulped, remembering what just happened.
" next then " the man in the grey suit spoke into the microphone. He looked around the crowd for his next victim.
" Alessandro " he said as he smiled.
Oh no.
No he must be talking about a different Alessandro. He can't do this.
" come on Alessandro, I'm looking right at you " the man told him. When I looked up I realised he was looking dead into the eyes of my man. Everybody in the crowd cheered.
Without saying a word to me, he walked to the stage leaving me trembling.
I was hoping he had a plan.
" Of course we had to bring the big boss up here himself " the man said as they shook hands on stage.
Loads of girls were whistling my man. Yuck.
" now, I know everyone was as surprised as I was, at the fact that Alessandro bought a date. " the man said making everybody cheer in response.
" and may I say she looked perfect. " as soon as the man said this Alessandro growled a little .
" what's she called ?" He asked Alessandro.
" Mia" Alessandro muttered.
" come on up Mia " the man said.
Everybody was looking around the ball room for me.
I put on my brave face because these mother fuckers aren't going to kill me. Not today.
I made my way through the crowd up onto the stage. As I walked past, all them men whistled at me earning a glare from their wives.
As I went on stage the man told me to sit down so I did.
" wow she is really perfect isn't she. Hands up men if you would wife her "  the man in the grey suit shouted.
I turned to look at the audience. Every single man in the room had their hand up. I looked in disgust. It's as if they were animals.
I could feel the anger coming off Alessandro who was standing in front of me.
" kill her " the man told Alessandro.
I didn't even flinch, when he said those words.
I didn't want Alessandro to loose what he's worked so hard for. If he had to do it, he will do it.
Deep down I know he won't. He won't kill his unborn children.
My god I hope this plan works.
" it's okay Alessandro do it baby" I muttered to him. He wouldn't even look me in the eye. Everybody was dead silent. Listening to me. Waiting for my screams.
" it's okay. " I assured him.
Alessandro was handed the sword which he held above my head.
" it's okay Alessandro. Just do it. " I told him as I shut my eyes. I shut my eyes preparing for the worst just in case this didn't work.

Fuck. The silence was killing me.
I held the sword over her head and closed my eyes. My hands were violently shaking.
All eyes were on me. All the men were too busy looking at Mia with desire in their eyes to notice what was happening.
I'm willing to risk everything for her.
Anything for her.

I sat there for what seemed like a lifetime. I played back all my favourite memories over in my head. I placed my hands protectively around my unborn babies. I want them to know that mummy loves them.

" I love you " Alessandro announced.
Everybody in the audience gasped. I opened my eyes shocked at what he just said.
We have never said it to each other. As I looked at him , he lowered the sword and chucked it on the floor.
" I love you too" I told him as I jumped up from the chair and ran into his arms.
This was where I belonged. He was like home.

Neither of us let go of each other for a long time. I heard people mutter in the crowd " is she pregnant ". I guess it gave it away when I put my arms protectively around my stomach.
" I'm sorry Alessandro. I think people figured I'm pregnant " I whispered in his ear.
" it's okay love. " he assured me as he kissed my forehead. We both turned to the audience.
Alessandro grabbed the mic from the man and spoke.
" right listen up. I AM NOT WEAK. THIS IS THE WOMAN THAT I LOVE. SHE HAS GIVEN ME THE GREATEST GIFT IN LIFE BY BEING THE MOTHER OF MY UNBORN CHILDREN. " everybody in the audience gasped. I smiled happily. That's right bitches. He's mine.
To my amazement everybody slowly raised their hand. Alessandro looked at me with a big smile on his face.
" wow " I muttered.

It was around an hour after the speech. For the past hour everybody had been congratulating us. I was on my way to the bar to get myself another lemonade.
As I sat down, Victor appeared by my side again. Oh shit.
" hey gorgeous " he greeted me.
" your mans speech made me want you even more "
He told me as he edged closer to me.
The bartender gave me my drink and I thanked him.  I turned back to Victor.
" girl, you don't need him" he told me, as he placed his hand on top of mine.
" I'll give you everything you've been missing. I'll make you feel so special. Forget him girl " He told me.
I turned back to pick up my drink. I realised the ice had sunk.
That mother fucker.
I put it back down. The mother fucker spiked my drink.
Luckily, Alessandro walked over just in time. He walked over and greeted Victor. I smiled happily.
He glanced over at me and saw the ice sunken in my drink. How looked angry.
" we are leaving Mia. " he told me. I got up from my seat and stood by his side.
" bye Victor" I told him as I linked arms with Alessandro. Everybody cheered as we walked out to the car waiting for us. Tonight was perfect.

End of chapter!
Wow that was long! Sorry for the wait guys.
Can I just say I'm so happy I've reached 26k!!!!

Okay back to the book. What are your thoughts on this chapter?
What do you think to victor ?

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Alessandro Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora