***lost in the woods 8/9***

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After moments of walking and brainstorming of ideas as to why each of them a damp.

The three came up with an idea: The story remained the same with cerik pushing malori into the water but changed when malori grabed both of them to suffer the same fate as her.

The three walked for a little longer before malori tried to take off her newly acquired jacket before the clawed hands of her girlfriend stopped her.

"What are you doing?" The queen questioned.

"Ummm, well I just thought that it would be suspicious if I was wearing your jacket." The mage answered.

"Thats not mine, it's yours." Maloris face turned to one of confusion, what was her queen saying?

"You decided to buy a big one because winter is coming up and you were worried you were going to get cold" The queen stated like this story was actually true.

But even so, the mage couldn't help a blush creep on her face. Vel had just given her, her jacket! To keep!

The excitement was overwhelming trying not to let it show, although a smile did present itself on her face, soon to be received by another one coming from the woman above her.

"Hey! Love birds mind catching up!" Shouted the boy who hadn't stopped walking during the lovers moment.

The three eventually arrived back at the campsite and took there own seat in different parts of the cave.

Malori took cerik to a corner to brag about her new jumper while vel went to go sit down on a wall.

Vel found herself staring at malori, eyeing her every movment. Seeing malori wearing her oversized jumper sent a sense of pride through vel.

But was soon torn away from her when she noticed another admiring malori from a distance.

Princess Leora.

Vel felt a dark aura soround her. Silver hair wad slightly rising and her skin was almost glowing with pure hatred.

It seemed that malori was the first to notice the chage of mood in the room because her eyes immediately shot to vel in which the dragon responded immediately.

The queen gave her little human a loving smile before turning back to stabing dagers through the princess.

Malori only stoped watching vel when she was sure that the demon queen wasn't going to do anything but think about murder.

Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now