***sibling rivals 3/5***

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"Hey brat, you forgot your-"

Immediately the voice of the person opening the door came to a silence when she discovered that the person she was looking for was not there, instead replaced with someone that the 'demon queen' would never admit to being her crush.

Before vel got into her car her group of annoying friends spotted a girl with auburn hair and immediately pointed her out to vel. Saying things like: "hey vel, isn't that you crush~?" Or "she's cute, mind if i take her?" Each of them knowing full well that the later of the two might cost them there lives.

But now, the one place vel thought she would be safe from those pretty purple eyes, contagious smile and fragile yet strong curved figure. Has been invaded by the one person that seemed to stur up these strange feeling inside of her.

The way the smaller girl looked up curiously at her forced heat to rise to her cheeks.

A few seconds passed before she finally caught herself.

"What are you doing here?" The tone of her voice came out a little too harsh then she intended.

Both of the gay disasters were so focused of covering their own blush that they seemed to miss the others heated face.

"I-i'm here to work on a school p-projoct with you s-sister." Vels face turned to one of anger and jealousy.

Why does that little snot nosed brat get to spend time with malori?

The queen had learnt the young ones name in grade five. That year had been a normal one well exept for when she bumped into a certain girl.

She still remembers the force of the blow was so strong that it completely pushed the younger girl to fall but due to vels imense time spent in her home gym since she learned how to walk, the blow didn't affect her as much as it should have.

Vel stood there completely unscathed unlike malori. But out of all the times this had happened, this was the frist fime that vel actually reacted.

Velverosa reached out and grasbed the girls hand as her books fell behind her.

She saw the look on her face. The pure shock and blood rushing to her cheeks, she looked so.... cute.

And that same face was presented in front of her right now. Only in the presence of her sisters room.

Obviously she wasn't about to leave a cute girl alone with her good-for-nothing sister.

Instead she closed the door behind her and went to take a seat on the fluffy rug next to her.

"What subject is it? Maybe i can help." To her delight a small blush appeared on maloris face when she sat down a little to close. So close malori felt hot breath being blown onto her neck.

"S-s-science." She managed to spill out. For some reason the feeling in her neck had increased. The feeling of body heat behind her and breath being blown onto the back of her neck by a smirking vel.

While malori was explaining the project vel was impressed to say the least. Malori was probably smarter than most of the people in her class.

Vel was so intranced with maloris explaining she didn't notice herself being draw in.

When malori had finished she went to look behind at vel to see if she had understood but instead of being greeted with a smirking face she was greeted by a soft pair of lips on hers.

Immediately malori jolted back, afraid she might have done something terrible. Instead of seeing what she had thought; a shocked and disgusted face. She saw a pleased face.

A sly smirk was the only thing that was visible before the pillow like lips crashed onto hers once more. This time there was a licking at her lip and a grazing of teeth across it.

A large hand could be felt tangling through her hair, pulling her towards the girl while another travelled down her hips onto her waste where a thumb drew circles while also forcing malori onto her own crossed legs.

Malori instinctively wrapped her hands around the others neck where she played with bits of her hair.

Maloris legs wrapped themselves around vels waist desperately trying to create friction that she desperately needed.

Another pleased smirk made its way to vels face as she pushed deeper into the kiss.

Vel moved her hands lower and gave the round flesh a squeeze, earning a gasp in which she took to slip her tongue into maloris mouth.

A whine unknowingly escaped malori. The noise seemed to make vels efforts move faster and harder to earn more angelic sounds out of her mouth.

Out of instinct maloris hips bucked forward, desperate for something more.

Vel reluctantly pulled away after lightly biting maloris bottom lip.

"My, my, someone's eager. You should be punished little bunny." Vel mentioned in the crook of maloris neck where she was sucking on bits of her flesh, but careful not to leave a mark.

"But sadly, we have wasted enough time." Dispite the words harming vel herself she didn't want leora catching her malori making the faces that vel had just seen and the noises that were just heard.

Pulling malori off her lap, she sat her next to her on the rug. They continued the studying with vel offering some advice aswel as unavoidably flirting and enjoying the faces that malori made afterwards.

When the door opened vel felt a wave of anger over her as soon as the scent of rose petals and overly sweet perfume hit her nose.

"What are you doing here?" The princess questioned.

"Nothing brat." Vel quickly replied.

Before leaving the queen gave malori a flirty wink that was not seen by leora.

Only when the door closed did the princess dare to speak.

"What was that?"


Malori X Vel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now