***shining knight 2/2***

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The brunette had left flostel a little earlier than expected. The reason being that she didn't want to deal with the crowds, so she left at the dead of night.

It was quite yet peaceful when riding out of flostel.

Finally she had arrived at the ash's that was said to be the villages remains. The sweet scent of the night was soild by the burning sensation in her nose.

Not once in the young knights life had she seen so much destruction. While beginning to speculate that the rumours may be true she took a look around.

It was true that there was none of the villagers remains, but clearly there was somone else here.

Her silver hair made her stand out from all of the burnt houses. She looked like she was just wandering around. Looking under a fallen house, possibly checking for survivors. But why?

She looked powerful, as if she was completely comfortable with the atmosphere of death.

Her clothes looked especially unique, never once had malori ever seen that type of style. Demonic. That would be the only word to describe it.

Just when malori thought that she should stop stalking the damsel she noticed her stumble over like she was growing increasingly tired (transformation potion).

"Hey! Watch out!"

As if the words had some sort of spell over the silver haired women she stopped dead in her tracks. Her whole body stiffned so she couldn't move if she tried.

Just then a huge chunck of burnt wood fell from above and smashed onto the ground in a million pieces.

Looking up, she made eye contact with her mysterious saver.

Violet met gold. Both not really sure what to do now. Vel knows she has been spotted and malori knows she has now blown her cover.

With one bright flash of light the knight had been thrown unconscious into a nearby tree with the caster of the spell for once very unsure what to do.

This human has just saved her from a massive headache (the burnt piece of wood would have knocked out or possibly killed any normal human, but as we know, she isn't even human.) So clearly this human has good intentions.

Either way the dragon just settled with bringing the human back to her lair and discovering what she knows or what she saw.


"Why is she here again?" One of the demon generals had asked.

"Better yet, why are you keeping her in your room!?" Another added to the question.

"Enough," The fimilair commanding voice of a dragon shot through. "We will wait until she wakes up before asking further questions."

The dragon then left to go go check on the said human that has probably been asleep for far too long.

When walking in the silver haired women discovered that this human was in fact awake, yet when their eyes met again there wasn't a hint of fright in those violet eyes. Just curiosity.

"Hello." The auburn haired girl broke the silence.

The queen had let out a cough before continuing. "Hello. Might i ask what your name is?"

"Yes, malori, malori crowett."

The name muddled through the others mind for awhile before continuing.


"Can i ask you something now?"

"I believe you just did."

"Why do you have horns? And a tail? Last time i saw you, you looked human."

Vel looked at her stunned. 'she remembers!?'

"Also," malori had looked away shyly while touching the tips of her fingers together. "Can i touch them?"

While vel was still processing that this kid wasn't at all afraid of her but she wanted to touch her (not in that way kids 😏 keep it PG) malori continued to speak.

"I've just never really seen a dragons horns before, and-and, ummm, i just... want to see them, closer." It was almost amusing how maloris voice grew higher as she ended her sentence. Almost like she was trying to explain to her mother what she was doing in her bedroom with a certain someone.

Just to humor the human velverosa decided to sit down next to her and tinted her head the slightest bit, almost like she was giving permission to malori.

Shocked, she lifted her hands above velverosas head and gently traced each horn from the tip all the down to the base. Slowly running her nails over the hardened crystal. Ever so lightly wrapping her palm around it before letting go and rubbing over it again. Sometimes when at the base malori would also comb her digits through the dragons silver hair.

This was beyond what velverosa had ever experienced. She hadn't expected this human to have such a soft touch and delicate hands.

It made the dragons mind wander a little deeper into imagining what the rest of this humans body look like, or feels like.

'No! Down girl, down.' Vel had closed her eyes in order to help slow her imaginations from running wild.

The certain way malori would move her hands left vel in a rhythm which she could not escape. Just imagining the thought of malori stopping was enough to put the silver haired on edge.

She had realised when it was too late that one of the small hands had disappeared and landed on her tail.

A yelp was caught in vels throat. Luckily she could swallow it.

She knew she could stop this at any time but the knight didn't think she wanted to.

Running her digits over the smooth scales was overwhelming for the demon. Though, dispite this, the knight was shocked when instead of moving away vel had dropped her head onto one of maloris shoulders, with enough room that her hands can continue caressing her horn and tail though.

The knight had never thought that she would ever see a dragon this defenceless and completely with her guard down, she wouldn't have believed that this was the same dragon that burned down an entire village and killed innocent people and sended an entire kingdom into panic and-

A small whine from the demon in her arms distracted malori from her thoughts. 'And is the same dragon that is completely touched starved.'

Hey! Sorry i haven't updated in awhile the internet is really terrible down here in this basement, but i was finally able to get this out. Have a wonderful day/night ;)

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