06. Let's Hangout This Weekend

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It's been a week since the whole number incident, and we haven't texted

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It's been a week since the whole number incident, and we haven't texted. More specifically he hasn't texted me. He hasn't tried to talk to me during school also.

I don't know why but I sort of expected him to text me more or at least talk to me in class. He made it seem like he actually wanted us to get to know each other. After all, he went out of his way to get my number.

Walking into AP Biology class, I see that Mr. Willows has a seating chart shown on the board. I look for my name and see that my partner is Adam Michaels. Great, one of Mateo's friends. I look around the class for my seat and see that Adam is already sitting down. Even better, we're seated at the front of the class. Yay!

Adam is on his phone so he doesn't notice when I walk up until he hears my chair scrape against the floor. He looks up and smiles at me showing his pearly whites.

"Hi, I'm Adam. Veronica right?"

"Yeah that's me," I grin at him.

"So how come I have never seen you around school?" he questions and I chuckle at him.

"Maybe you aren't looking hard enough," I say with confidence in my tone.

"Oh is that so?" he says with a raised eyebrow and laughs. I start to laugh with him.

"No maybe you haven't seen me around because I don't like going to any school events," I say nonchalantly.

"Really? Not even football games,"

"Nope," I say and he lets out a dramatic gasp.

"Why? Football games are what complete the high school experience," he said.

"Well football doesn't really catch my attention, so why even bother to attend a game," once I finish my sentence he looks at me in disbelief.

Just as he was about to reply Mr. Willows walks into the classroom and stands in front.

"Good Afternoon students, today you will be completing a lab with your partner. You have till the end of class to complete it and fill out the worksheet and if you don't finish the worksheet you will take it for homework. Okay go ahead and start," Mr. Willows finishes off with a smile and starts walking to his desk.

"Shall we get started partner?" Adam says and I chuckle.

"We shall,"

The class chatted quietly while working on the lab. Adam and I have casual conversation and occasionally he says a joke. While I'm laughing at a joke he said, the classroom door opens and Mateo walks in. What is up with him and always walking in late? Seriously if he's late a lot this year imagine the past years. Yikes.

Mr. Willows lets Mateo in and he starts walking to his seat which is at the back of the class. But as he's walking to his seat he looks at Adam and I in confusion.

"Sup Mateo," Adam tells him with one of those nods boy's give each other. "You know Veronica right?"

"Hey Adam and yeah I know Veronica," he looks at me and I give him an awkward wave.

Mateo walks away and Adam turns back to face me.

"How come Mateo knows you but I don't?"

"Oh uh, I don't know Mateo like that. I just started talking to him," I say as I turn to face him.

"Oh well let's finish up this lab so we don't have to take it as homework," he says as he looks back down at his paper, while I just hum in response.

While working on the lab, I occasionally turn my head to look at Mateo and every time I look, he's already looking back at me. My cheeks turn into a deep red as I tear my eyes away and look back at my paper. Why am I having this reaction? I shouldn't even want to talk to him anymore. He didn't even talk to me so why should I want to talk to him.

Adam and I finished the assignment just as the bell rings for the passing period.

"You know Veronica, for someone who seems very kept to themselves you are quite the catch. I hope we continue our conversations next class. Yeah?" he says as we both stand up and pack up our things.

"Yeah definitely. For someone who's on the football team you're actually nice," I say with a smile. We start walking out of class together.

"Well I got to go but I'll see you next class?" he stops walking to face me.

"Yeah I'll see you later,"

He starts walking the opposite direction as me and I start to make my way to my locker. Who would've thought Adam is actually nice. I know I didn't. He's also funny, I wonder how he doesn't have a girlfriend. If he was attracted to me I would definitely get with him.

Once I arrive at my locker I open it and start switching my notebooks. While doing so I keep thinking about Mateo. He had this look in his eyes I can't quite figure out. If only Alison didn't have a yearbook meeting this free period. Alison is all about school clubs, but she really enjoys being in the yearbook club.

I close my locker and turn around to start making my way to the library, but I just face a chest when I turn around. I look up to see who's in front of me and it's the person who I'm supposed to be ignoring but now I can't.

"Geez, Mateo you really need to learn how to approach someone," I say looking at him with a semi glare. He just smiles and looks down at me.

"Let's hangout this weekend," he tells me, ignoring what I just told him.


"Yes or no?" he says, still looking down at me with an even bigger smile.

What does he mean by "hangout"? Like as in a "date"? No we barely know each other why would he ask you on a date Veronica. Obviously he just wants to hangout as friends. Should I say yes? No? Maybe? I have to give him an answer right now. I can't have him wait for an answer. Why does Alison have to be in a meeting if she were with me Mateo would have probably not even have come up with me.

"Veronica?" I'm broken out of my thoughts as Mateo says my name. I look up at him and see concern written on his face.

"Oh uh sorry," I smile at him hoping he doesn't think I'm weird.

"You're fine. So would you want to hangout?" he questions once more as his cheeks turn rosy pink a bit.

"Oh ye-"

"Great! I'll pick you up at five on Saturday. Make sure to send me your address," he tells me as he starts to walk away from me but is still facing me. He didn't even let me finish my sentence.

"Okay," I smile at him and wave at him as he finally turns around and walks away to another hallway.

Well, looks like I'll be hanging out with Mateo on Saturday.

Well, looks like I'll be hanging out with Mateo on Saturday

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