38. Girls Trip...Plus Boys

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The door to my room opens quietly and shuts

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The door to my room opens quietly and shuts. My eyes are closed but I'm able to hear the person's light footsteps come closer and closer to wear while I'm sleeping. My sleep slowly starts to go away but I stay still in bed. Who would come in here during the middle of the night?

The person starts to remove my cover slowly and that's when I turn around and jump.

"AHHHH!" The person screams and I turn on the lamp.

"ALISON?!" What are you doing here?" She has a guilty expression on her face and looks towards the door. The door opens and reveals Mom and Mrs. Lopez looking at me with motherly smiles. The only reason she would be here would be... Oh no a girls trip.

"It's our annual girls trip," she says proudly and removes the rest of my covers off of me. "Now come on we gotta go. It's already gonna be six."

"Why so early? Usually we leave around eight," I sit up on the edge of my bed and stretch my arms out. It is way too early for this.

"Well because this year it's different!" Alison whispers and claps her hands quietly.

"What about my clothes I haven't packed yet-"

"Don't worry I already packed you some stuff. Plus you and Ali share clothes all the time." Mom steps into my room and Mrs. Lopez follows behind. "Now say hi to Alison's Mom."

I stand up from my bed and smile at Mrs. Lopez. She opens her arms for a hug and I walk into her warm embrace. She's like a second mother to me.

"¿Cómo estás mija?" She asks.

"Bien, bien. Y usted?" I responded to her.

"Happy that we finally get to have another girls trip! Did your Alison tell you where we're going? She chose it this time!" She pulls back from the hug but keeps her hands planted on my shoulder. Oh gosh where to even begin with Alison. Every time she comes up with a plan, It's fun but very chaotic. I turn to look at her and see a huge smile on her face.

"Where are we going?" Alison's Mom removes her hands from my shoulder and lets me sit back down on the bed.

"Okay we are going toooo...New York!" She exclaims and claps her hands once again. "Now get up and stop talking to us, we'll be waiting for you downstairs so hurry it up." She pats my shoulder and all three of them start heading towards the door.

"New York? Are we going by plane?" We usually drive to places, but it's just around Texas and now she's talking about New York. This is what I mean about Alison, very chaotic.

"Yes now come on," She pats my shoulder. "Alejandro and Mateo are coming to say bye and dropping us off at the airport." She pushes our Mom's lightly out of the room. She grabs the door knob and gets ready to close it. "We have another surprise so hurry up." After she says that, she shuts the door and I hear her go down the stairs.

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