13. Unexpected Visits

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It's been a week since we almost kissed

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It's been a week since we almost kissed. I haven't heard from Mateo at all. There's a part of me that wants to believe he actually wanted to kiss me, but the other part says it was just in the moment.

I'm left with feelings I know he doesn't have for me.

I'm laying in bed thinking about how gullible I am. Mateo would never go for someone like me. Someone who barely has friends, awkward, afraid to try new things, and lastly someone scared of growing up. I haven't told him but I'm pretty sure once If I do he'll just get up and leave.

Looking at the time on my phone I see that it's barely 6:30pm. Tossing my phone next to me I close my eyes hoping sleep will consume over me. It's never too early to sleep.

The house is silent.

Mom and Dad are at a banquet the hospital host every year. Christopher is who knows where. And I'm here in bed listening to the loud silence in the house. Some would say the silence helps clear your mind, but for me it's the opposite. My mind starts getting cluttered with endless "What Ifs, Maybes," and especially things that have happened in the past.

A vibration brings me back to reality and I open my eyes. I turn to see someone calling me, I pick it up and see that it's Alison. Taking a deep breath, I click the green button.

"Hey Vero! What are you up to?" She says in her usual happy tone.

"Mmm nothing much," responding tiredly to her as I sit up.

"You okay? You sound sad,"

"I don't know Ali." I tell her truthfully. "I feel like everything is getting to me today. I'm sure you were able to tell by now that I have feelings for Mateo. We haven't talked since the day we almost kissed and now I'm making myself believe he doesn't feel the same." I play with my blanket as I tell her this. It feels good being able to talk to someone.

"Ah I see. Look, Mateo doesn't seem like the type to just lead you on. The way I see it is that maybe he's nervous to talk to you or maybe he's busy with something. And even if he doesn't like you Vero, not saying he doesn't because my intuition is telling me he totally likes you," I laugh at her comment. "Don't stress about it. Things happen for a reason. So if he doesn't feel the same way you feel. Do not waste your time on him! Did I make myself clear Veronica?" she says in a stern tone. She does have a point. I'm overthinking this, and just like she said I shouldn't waste my time on him if he doesn't feel the same. 

"Yes I understand Alison. It feels weird. Having feelings for someone, especially for Mateo. I mean did you ever think you and Alejandro would be a thing?" I question.

"It is weird isn't it," I hear her chuckle over the phone. "And we are not a thing...yet," we start to laugh at what she said.

"Be honest Ali. Are you actually happy? Is he treating you good? He better not be treating you bad because you already kn-"

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