12. Roller Coaster Of Emotions

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Roller coasters

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Roller coasters.

Just thinking about them makes me want to run back to Mateo's truck and lock myself in there. Gosh why would I let him bring me here. I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy to spend time with Mateo, but why does it involve having to get on a roller coaster. Maybe if I act like I forgot something in the truck he won't notice.

"Crap. You know what I think I forgot my phone in the truck. You think I can have the keys so I can go get it?" He turns around and I'm hoping he falls for it. But of course he doesn't. "Oh really? So you aren't holding it right now?" I look down at my hands and mentally facepalm myself. I look over Mateo and spot his lanyard hanging out of his front pocket. Looking back up at him he doesn't seem to take notice of the plan in my head so I decide to just go for it.

"Have you gotten on that ride before?" I point to some random ride behind him and he turns around to see. Quickly stepping forward and yanking out his keys I start running away only to bump into someone and hurt my nose.

Great, my plans never work. I rub my nose and look up at the person who I bumped into and see Alejandro trying not to laugh. Alison is next to him laughing to the point where she's about to cry. Meanwhile, Mateo takes his keys out of my hand and chuckles at the scene that just happened.

"Oh come on Veronica, it's gonna be fun," Alejandro says while throwing an arm over Alison's shoulder. "If Alison wanted to come, that means something," laughing at his statement I try to catch my breath. Ugh this is so great, finally I can embarrass Ali. "Well that's cause both of you have huge crushes on each other," I comment while Mateo laughs behind me. Alison turns red as a tomato and Alejandro's cheeks turn into a rosy pink color.

"Anyways how about we start getting on some rides. We should start small since the girls here are too scared," Alejandro says and Alison pushes his arm off.

"Um excuse me. We are not scared so maybe you should get your facts straight," Alison protested starting to walk towards me. "Now are we just going to stand here or actually go have fun," she takes my hand and starts walking into a random direction. Sometimes I feel like she drinks five iced coffees before getting to school, she can be so energetic.

As promised, the boys did take us to small rides. More specifically, baby rides. Okay Ali and I might not like riding roller coasters but we aren't scared of these baby rides. I glare at Mateo and he just gives me a shy smile.

"Okay." Clearing my throat knowing once I say this the boys aren't going to deny it. And for Alison, well I hope she isn't upset. "How about we go ride that big ass death machine to get it over with and maybe, just maybe it will help us get comfortable. How does that sound?"

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